Game of Thrones: Season 7 Trailer Breakdown & Analysis – Frame-By-Frame.

Season 7 officially almost upon us and yesterday the trailer from HBO landed – I’ve have gone though it frame by frame and here are my thoughts.

Let me know what you think of the trailer in the comments.

Secrets of the Citadel Game of Thrones Got A Song of Ice and Fire ASoIaF



  1. You might have already caught this but at 13:11 Grey Worm is wearing the pin and Missandei is not, so it looks like she gave it to him, or perhaps vise versa. Not that that is going to play a pivotal part in the show though. Great vid!

  2. The Vale forces are not under Littlefinger's control any more. Their leader was one of the men yelling, "The king in the north!" at the end of season 6. And since Sweet Robin believes in helping his cousins in the North even Littlefinger won't be able to weasel his way out of that.

    Arya's icy breath is likely just because it is winter. The height of the camera makes me wonder if Nymeria is watching her.

    There is no way that is Dany jumping into the water. The direction the fire is coming from and the way it is moving suggests a dragon just above the water.

  3. So we all know the Valonqar Theorie ( Cersei Lannister received a prophecy from Maggy the frog that she would die at the hands of the "valonqar", which is the word for "little brother" in High Valyrian).

    So when Cersei and Jamie are standing on a map of Westeros in the red keep, Cersei is standing on the Neck (Twins 😉 while Jamie is atanding next to the Fingers (7:19).

    So in my humble opinion, i think they are showing us that and how Jamie will cill Cersei.
    What do you think of that?

    Cheers from Germany

  4. this was really awesome. hmm this is the second time we're seeing little finger lurking in the crypts. clearly he was venturing down there unaccompanied by starks which made it necessary for him to hide in the one scene and didn't want to be found out and in the later scene was Jon holding him super pissed. maybe because he's down there sneeking around? maybe because Jon is already scared as hell down there anyway and he just creeped up on him? so what's little finger doing down in the crypts? is he snooping around determined to tamper with or get ahead of evidence Jon or anyone else might find down there about lyanna and Jon?

  5. One correction please, I heard starting at 9:19 White Cloaks and not Gold Cloaks. Other than that, thank you for a wonderful review of the Trailer. It's always great to hear about the clues I miss or don't pick up on.

  6. I thought the kiss between Ellaria and Yara Greyjoy was interesting. They were not on the same boat so I'm assuming their in the dungeons at the Red Keep. I wonder if Ellaria is giving Yara the kiss of death by poison in order to end their lives before they are tortured and executed by Cersei. Also, Ellaria is reaching out with her arm as if she is grabbing something, perhaps a dagger?? The fact they were even included in the trailer could also mean they survive and escape with Theon's help like Yara tried to help him escape from Ramsay.

  7. They're definitely on the throne meeting Euron for the first time along with his prisoners Ellaria and Tiene Sand along with Yara Greyjoy. Cersei is sneering at them all especially the Sandsnakes.

  8. The only thing that would make sense with the reference to the south has to either be a sand snake or Donnish soldier sharpening a spear or sword? Or it's one of the Tyrell soldiers sharpening their sword? Their are no other enemies in the south.

  9. awesome vid. i just subscribed!

    a question: do you think valrys (the eunuch, master of whispers) is a targaryean?

    i only mention him because he is part of a powerful, secret group who are backing the targaryean heir (dany), he and his group were also responsible for assassinating geoffrey.

    i believe in the book there is at least one other targaryean alive – not necessarily a full-brother to dany – who has some sort of "secret kabal" backing him. perhaps this plot has been transferred to the hbo series in the form of valrys, the sandsnakes, highgarden and a few others.

    at any rate, i just thought of that when i saw the shot of dany, w/ valrys, greyworm, tyrion, etc. behind her.

  10. In that scene with Jon & Tormund running from something, it looks like one of the people running in the background has a bow. So, it could be people from Castle Black.

    Could it be Euron facing off with the Mountain? If it is him who met with Cercai, and that meeting didn't go the way he hoped, it's possible a confrontation takes place. Especially if Cercai views anyone not a Lannister as an enemy.

  11. +Secrets of the Citadel Just a heads up, the Hold we are seeing Unsullied raid is of course a Lannister Hold, but it could very well be Lannisport, which would explain the big L, not necessarily Casterly Rock.


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