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Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Little Finger, Season 7 Episode 6, Caitlin Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Season 7 Finale!!!

Hey guys,

So here are my promised thoughts on the whole Sansa, Arya and Bran situation going on and whether or not they know of what Little Finger has done so far or what he plans on doing.

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Shattered Sky by Shattered Helium

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This video contains information on:
Game of Thrones Season 7
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6
Game of Thrones 7×05
Game of Thrones 7×06
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7



  1. Hey Everyone,

    Thanks for watching. Please take note of my use of the words possibly and probably and my provision of specific scenarios, so when commenting please do not discuss it all with me like I have set anything in stone here. No one knows what is gonna happen over the upcoming episode/episodes.

    Also please avoid throwing any spoilers from script leaks for season 8 or the finale for that matter.

    Finally let me know what you think of this video and what you thought of the scenarios and provided. Do you think Arya or Sansa will die on the finale? Do you think it is going to be Little Finger? Do you believe Bran might have already told them all about what he has done so far?

    Also a stray comment, someone commented in response to not liking my opinion by claiming I have zero knowledge of the lore. Lore has nothing to do with my expectation of what they are writing for future episodes. Also I usually admit on my videos when I am missing something here or there, but I also don't need to rub in that I read the books or go off topic every 2 minutes to explain the history of this or that to show off that I know shit. I don't do that!!!

    But until I see you next, have a good one.

  2. i really liked this video, ill subscribe (but plz dont put spoilers in titles) u brought up & covered everything i was thinking about the situation between them- and why hasnt bran tipped them off. i also think sansa got brienne outta there at LF's advice- HE told her brienne has to support BOTH. HE only supports Sansa, but i dont think Sansa wld dare kill Arya without Jon's permission (which he would NEVER give, and she knows it) but she might have her locked up- thats what i thought first when they showed her in that preview as Darth Sansa. LF could be planning to kill her once Sansa has her restrained 'for her safety'. but LF is underestimating Arya. altho if Sansa tells HIM about the faces and faceless man training, he might change his tune. I dont think Arya was acting for LF cos i dont think Sansa is smart enough to pick up on those clues for that plan. Altho, Sansa having the catspaw dagger means all 3 have had it (bran, arya & sansa-teamwork, the pack survives?) and if LF saw sansa with it, he might think they made a truce or settled it, but thats assuming sansa doesnt just put it down. they were in Arya's room, after all. i think Arya threatening her, then handing her the knife and turning around was the medieval way of 'tryin a bitch'. she threatened her, punked her out- saying youre scared, then handed her the wrapon and turned her unprotected back, like, i'm so not afraid of you, even like this you won't do anything. they have to be leaving bran out for a reason- hes gonna have to step in. but it would be so much more badass if Jaqen H'gar showed up to have Arya's back! (or gendry, or the hound- if u think about it, aryas made so many more friends than sansa, she only has LF. and Brienne, but LF pointed out shes Aryas too, so shes gone. Sansa was jealous 1st time she saw brienne sparring w arya.) and she is JUST like Catelyn, and Catelyn was a bitch. i dont think Sansa will make it to the end. At least not in the books (where she is even more insufferable). what will she do? no one likes her- even jon & arya, they love her as their sister, but dont like her as a person. she will be a ruler like cersei if she stays lady of winterfell (once jon is targaryen). sorry for ranting, ur video got me thinking!

  3. So far this season a lot of events took place that looks stupid in face value(e.g. trying to present a wight to Cersei). I hope the next episode or the episodes to follow adds meaning to them and this theory turns out true. Else the entire show will be ruined by such a meaningless rushed ending.

  4. not a fan of Sansa. the butcher's boy and the dire wolf both died because she said "I don't know" when King Rob demanded an explanation of the events. She didn't choose loyalty to Joffrey in that moment out of affection for him, or fear of him – she wanted power. She's always wanted power. And unlike Jon Snow, Danarys, and other powerful figures who have earned it by doing things no one else has done, risking their lives repeatedly and making impossible choices, ALL Sansa has is her last name. That is quite literally it. Nothing else. Without that, she's just an annoying red-headed girl. And now that Bran is there, who technically outranks her, she is truly meaningless. Yes, Bran doesn't want the position, but that doesn't mean the Northern lords won't think it's unusual or not right. It goes against the very custom that makes them give Sansa power for her name in the first place.

  5. I would be extremely disappointed if either of these girls turned on each other. Has their father taught them nothing? Oh, yes he has. I'm not going for these girls turning on each other. It only makes sense for them to see Little Finger for who he is

  6. People like Arya, people like Jon, people like Sansa and also Bran, and some dislike them as well.

    The last seven years are a build up to each Stark end point, Jon and Bran ( and maybe Arya ) is the war against ww.

    Sansa's and Arya's on the enemies of the House and Realm, we seen Arya train and kill up front in our face.

    We don't see that with Sansa ( forget the phony Ramsey bit) . We see a progression which is slow and methodical it started on the Traitor's Bridge and ends this week, Sansa Stark is good at running a great house, skilled in politics and words, she sucks at war or self defense craft which Arya is good at, but she sucks at politics or using words as a knife, she just uses a knife.

    Sansa is setting up LF, she is keeping Arya out of the loop for a reason, and I think she's meeting Bran at least a couple of times a day.
    Brienne was sent away so LF can't play her against Arya, ( remember the sparring session? it's a clue, so is Sansa's side glance at LF ) and Sansa knows NO ONE can protect her.
    Sansa has more knowledge then anyone on LF and Cersei .

    LF gets the scroll, maester said it took a while to find, LF mentioned Lady Stark for Arya's benefit, he knows she is following him, she sees him with a maid, Royce and Glover, he makes sure she finds the scroll Sansa was forced to write. Arya confronts Sansa, everything we see between Sansa and Arya is not an act, it's real and it culminates with Sansa surviving ( winning the GOF ) since Arya gives the dagger and turns her back and leaves, this is telling Arya Sansa's not lying and it's telling Sansa she can trust Arya and that she has skills Sansa can use.

    Starting in 6-10 Sansa started thwarting LF, she rebuffs him in the Godswood, she didn't press her claim, Jon is KITN, and LF is pissed.

    In 7-1 in the great hall Sansa brings out valid points, and it causes a riff and LF has a smile by 7-2 Jon and Sansa are on the same page until Sam's letter comes and he blindsides her with going to DS and leaving her in charge, but she isn't happy, she's fearful, shocked and reluctantly accepts. Only 2 people are happy there LF and Breienne ( she knows what Jon did ), LF sees it as an opportunity.

    Jon leaves, Bran and Arya returns, Sansa is doing a great job running the Castle and getting things done.
    We have that sparring scene Arya happens to mention Brienne's vows, we cut to Sansa giving a quick side glance at LF, walks away. between last week and this week we go through the sister war, many think it's Arya setting up LF, it's not this is Sansa's Vale arc in Winterfell, she initiated the letter ( she knows that letter came from LF, he was there when she wrote it.

    Just like Cersei ; Sansa needs to know all that is happening and that includes all mail in out and who to and who sends and who request.

    When Wolcum gave the scroll to LF, he told him it took a while to find, I believe he let Sansa know and asked about it and she told him let LF have the scroll, I also believe Royce is Sansa's plant, I'm not sure about Glover ( he seems to whine a lot ) .

    All the yelling and back and forth between Sansa and Arya, the faces, the GOF, all that's real and it's real because Sansa is keeping Arya out of the loop, Brienne was sent away so LF can't use her as a pawn, Sunday Sansa springs the trap with what she, Bran and Arya know.

    Arya's arc will end in season 8 along with Bran, and Jon.

    Sansa will have a roll, but she's not a warrior, she's now the Lady and Mother of Winterfell she's in charge of small folks and administration, unless she and Arya have to take Cersei out.

  7. God for me Arya is wiser and more clever than what we see … she couldnt have fell for LF plan ! If it's the case I would be soo disappointed..Like you say, it need more "substance" ..

    I think either Bran told her something or she discovered some truths by herself. I think it would also be so unecessary for Arya to cause problems with Sansa and the lords if it means they loose the lords (Jon's support!)

    The significance of Bran giving the dagger to Arya knowing she'd have to use it well can't be ignored. Bran wouldn't encourage Arya if he knew she would turn against her sister , no?

    Sansa sent Brienne away after LF suggest her Brienne would protect her from Arya, that's strange …

    Also : Sansa finding so easily the bag of faces, the blatant threat and Arya revealing her story for me it's 3 things :
    1) Sansa is clueless about Arya ; Arya have fun freaking her out while it the same time trying to extract truths from Sansa ( or Arya the Psycho ) 🙁
    2) All this is a big show for whoever might spy of them on Arya's part …. Sansa is still clueless, but Arya is "overacting" her big bad assassin self, but still leaving clues for Sansa to understand what she can do and what they need to do with Littlefinger ( the game of faces …. Arya is lying about stealing Sansa's face… she takes Littlefinger's old dagger and give it to Sansa … )
    3) Arya and Sansa put out that big show for whoever spy on them together, and Sansa is really good acting like she freak out

    In any ways, I REALLY REALLY hope there is more to this than just we see : Arya-the-psycho acting headstrong on her emotions and falling into LF plan like a beginner -_-

  8. I think both Arya and Sansa are suspicious of one another even if they are suspicious of Littlefinger too or eventually realize he is the real problem. So Arya might be playing a part a bit but she also wants to see what Sansa will do. Sansa also does seem legitimately threatened by what Arya has become. I don't think her finding the faces was some false narrative. I think she was really scared. Arya on the other hand was being both intentionally threatening but was also probably mixing lies and truth. She was playing the game of faces after all and giving her the knife was really the most important part of that scene. She seems to be intentionally testing Sansa with no fear of her own life.

    I think the end game is somewhat clear. A Stark daughter will kill Littlefinger and Arya will take his face.


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