Max and Trevor give a full analysis of White Walkers and the Night’s King in Game of Thrones. We talk about their culture and motivations in the Game of thrones series. We also develop theories and predict what will happen in Game of Thrones season 7 and season 8.

White Walker/Night’s King Culture (0:00)
White Walker/Night’s King Abilities (6:06)
White Walker/Night’s King Motives (11:50)
White Walker/Night’s King Weaknesses (16:30)
Season 7 and Season 8 Predictions (18:45)

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  1. What if the Night king is a stark, and the awaking of magic,like the dire wolves, and dragons, has alerted him to mobilize an army to march south of the wall to something in the Winterfell crypts. The crypts has always had some significance. The 3-eyed raven has tried to lure young Bran down there, maybe to find out Jon's true parentage, or something else. What could be in the Starks crypts the is attracting the Night King? Just a thought.

  2. Ok so if Craster gives his babies and they turn the babies into white walkers do the raise them? Breast feed, change diapers? Do the bandied grow up or walk around as little babies? The baby donation makes NO sense.

  3. The Night King is the 13th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, who ruled with his Ice Queen at the Nightfort for 13 years, he now is the leader of the 12 White Walkers, and Old Nan said "his name was Brandon." Is it possible that Brandon Stark is The Night King, and Jon is "The Last Hero?" We know that history repeats itself, and events are cyclical, so perhaps that's one of the main points of the story.

  4. Valyriansteel is spell forged steel, a unique method of forging that steel that is also infused with magic spells. So we have normal steel and spell forged steel.

    Dragon glass is obsidian, but obsidian is not dragon glass, you can call it dragon glass but that does not make it dragon glass. Dragon glass was given to the first men by the children of the forest to fight the white walkers. I believe Dragon glass
    is spell forged obsidian and that is the only reason it can kill a white walker. So all the obsidian in the world may be useless against the Nights King.

  5. I posted the following in another video however I feel the need to post
    it again and add my theory of how it ends as it is relevant to the

    The three eyed raven is not Blood Raven. The three eyed raven is
    Bran is the three eyed raven and the three eyed raven is/was Bran. The
    two are one in the same and he is leading
    himself. When Jojen Reed first appeared in Bran's' dream/vision He said.
    "You can't kill it you know" (Referring to the three eyed raven Bran
    was trying to shoot with bow and arrow) Bran "Why not?" Jojen Because
    the three eyed raven is you. There are many more examples I could list
    however this would get really long.

    My Theory on the Subject: in a nutshell. Bran finds out (In the future)
    that the Night's King cannot be defeated. Daenerys Targaryen does not
    conquer the seven Kingdoms, she holds the Nights King back while what is
    left of Westeros evacuates across the narrow sea. They realise that it
    is only a matter of time before the Night's King makes his way to Essos.
    Therefore Bran Goes back in time, (through his ability) to try and stop
    the Children of the forest from ever creating the Nights King. He may
    have even inadvertently given them that Idea in the first place by
    trying to stop it. Bran Stays too long and can't get back. The Children
    of the forest come to realize what a huge mistake they made, in creating
    the Nights King and decide to use their magic to help Bran survive in
    the past. Setting him up in that cave, under the Wierwood tree. Bran
    then tries to warn the world about the Nights King. Tying in the other
    theories about Bran the builder etc, and has been spending all this time
    trying to come up with a solution to the Knights King problem. When the
    Three eyed Raven told Bran you will never walk again but you will fly.
    He was remembering his past and in doing so telling Bran his future. The
    situation because of Brans ability to go back into the past creates a
    stalemate Where neither side wins. So the only hope is for Bran to
    repeat the cycle over and over making small improvements until he can
    figure out the best way to break the cycle in Humanities favor. If it
    wasn't for Bran Humanity would face extinction.

    My prediction on the end.
    The ending will be….

    After Bran goes back in time and fails to stop the children of the
    forest from creating the Nights King. The Children of the forest take
    Bran to the cave and secure it with magic protecting him. They sit Bran
    down and rest him on the roots of the Wierwood tree and start casting
    the spells that will root Bran literally in the past. The roots of the
    tree start to rapidly grow and enter into Brans Body/being. Bran screams
    and looks up screaming as the roots enter his body/being. The camera
    zooms slowly out through the roots and ground. continuing to zoom out
    from the Wierwood tree. The face on the tree starts to bleed. Camera
    continues to zoom out. The cave is completely surrounded by a sea of
    Whites as the Nights King Stares at the Wierwood Tree. Camera continues
    moving further and further up showing the Ice growing across the land
    rapidly. Bran still screaming…. The camera continues going up until we
    see the astrolabe and then the astrolabe resets itself. The camera
    continues going up and the astrolabe gets further away, until finally
    the camera view pops out of the eye of a blue eyed giant who is sitting
    lost in thought. Worlds within worlds… worlds without end
     What do you think?

  6. Good presentaion guys. Here's something for You. 3.) ~ They were made, could they be un-made.? Interesting to think that instead of the Walkers needing to be destroyed, that the possibility might exist that they could be set free of their curse…. =) I sense they have a thousands of years old grudge they are trying to fulfill ~ "They bring the cold with them"

  7. your theory on Dany dying as a result of her wanting to conquer means her and Jon will disagree throughout their time together. You can't have those separate ideologies and still be friendly… just a matter of WHEN will Jon find out?

  8. Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant. I was blown out. You two guys are the key to game of thrones. Totally loved the video. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for season 7. I have an question, In the leaked plot they said it will Viserion revived by the night king and you guys say it's Drogon. I hope it's not drogon, it'll tear Dany as well as me and all the daenerys lovers.

  9. Totally agree about the NK having the ability to warg without touching the roars. In ADWD, Tormund tells Jon that they are watching even tho they weren't there. And this was during day light. Tormund didn't want to talk about the WWs until they were on the south side of the wall bc he was scared they were watching. Also in the prologue of GOT, the NW ranger (forget his name) felt an eerie feeling a while before the WWs showed up. Maybe bc they were watching (kind of like the feeling Cat gets around the weir wood tree


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