The second Game of Thrones Season 7 trailer Daenerys Targaryen has been seen riding a dragon into battle and a lot of people have been getting confused by this. In this video I reveal which Dragon she is riding and give details on Dragon Lore and history that shows us why this is. Also who will ride Rhaegal and Viseron! Thanks for watching!

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  1. Who do you think will ride the other two dragons and do you think all three will make it past season 7? I hope so but with all the spoilers/leaks/info it doesn't look good for Viserion! Thank you for watching as always.

  2. Why you are forgetting Bran Stark ? Remember when the three-eyed ravan told Bran Stark that "You will never walk again…but you will fly" that means Bran Stark will ride one of the Dragons.

  3. What if Dany sends Tyrion to ride Viserion? The Lannister army sacks Highgarden and Jamie kills Olena Tyrell. Dany gets super pissed when she finds out, and since they didn't roast him alive, she could send him to go deal with his brother. There's a shot of Jamie charging full steam through a field of fire and scorched earth with a spear, it would be so epic if he were charging at Tyrion on his dragon. The one he wanted since he was a boy, Viserion is the smallest just like him. I don't think we would have gotten that amazing scene with him unchaining them if he weren't going to ride one. There is so much heavy foreshadowing in the show, and he looks terrified every time they show him alone on those cliffs, in one shot without editing it's him on those cliffs as the dragons fly up.

  4. What if hot pie is a dragon seed and can ride one of the dragons. i think this is very likely as his appearance in season 6 was much anticipated. There aren't many clues, but everything about him is screaming Targaryen, his awesome Pie-making skills, his gracefulness, subtlety and prowess in the kitchen.

  5. I understand what is in the books, but what is in the books does not necessarily hold in the series; it has happened in many circumstances that things are changed.(I still think that this dragon looks way too light-colored to be Drogon.) As we saw, Tyrion got along with BOTH Viserion and Rhaegal, so that doesn't mean that he bonded with both, and that would also be against dragon-lore. My money is still on Varys being a Targaryen, but I can't see him riding a dragon! I guess we will just have to wait and see, as they keep us on pins and needles about every other part of the show!

  6. Reasons why I don't think the 3 heads are happening on the show.
    1. It was never set up. Nobody in the show ever mentioned the dragon needing to have 3 heads. That House of the undying vision in the books was replaced with the vision of Dany's death in the show (at least, I see it as a vision of her death)
    2. Tyrion's secret parantage was never set up either. Sure, Tywin may have berated and disowned him at the end, but that was just a classic example of him being resentful of his son's condition. If they really intended to do the Tyrion Targ thing, they would have mentioned more of his mother, besides him killing her at birth, not to mention her relationship with Aerys. Remember, D&D are writing the show for casual watchers, people who have never read the books and don't even know the basic lore (I shit you not, I actually met some people who didn't even know GOT was based on a book.) If all out confusion broke out when Jon's parentage was revealed, (people didn't know who Lyanna was, much less that Rhaegar was his father. That's why you have so many people thinking Robert Baratheon was his dad for some reason), and his parentage was hinted heavily from the begining of the series, then people will be down right floored if they suddenly revealed that Tyrion is a Targ too.
    3. It will cheapen the Jon reveal. Seriously, if they suddenly broke the news of Tyrion being a Targ too, then the Jon reveal will lose emotional bearing.
    4. Too convinient. Part of the reason I believe the ice dragon plot leak is because Dany has become an OP God, protected by plot armour. She has the largest army, navy and three dragons backing her. Even the WW, with their huge undead army seem like nothing, when you have 3 dragons flying above them, roasting everybody uncontested. Aerial support is imperative, especially in a medieval battle and whoever has it, wins. In the book, the Others seem like they are much more powerful than in the show. They bring mist, storms, cold and darkness, all things that hinder a dragon's flight, and make it easier to take them down. So in the books, 3 dragons vs the others seems like an even fight (especially since a real ice dragon was hinted in the books, not the possible undead shoe version) What can show WW do against them? Unless thy have undead archers or ice scorpion bolts, they are not going to bring those guys down, especially if they have riders controlling them. One of them dying and getting ressurected seems like it would even out the odds, since an ice dragon (even the show version of it) is supposed to be far more powerful than a regular one.
    So yeah, there you have it. I seriously don't think the 3 heads are happening on the show. Tyrion bonding with the dragons was I think a D&D nod to the book story of Quentyn Martell, and a nod to the Tyrion Targ theory, while also being a sneaky way to troll us, by giving us hope of the 3 heads. In the books however, this def happening. Too many clues for it. And while the show and the books are going to have the same conclusion, both George and D&D have said they would take drastically different routes to get there.

  7. At 2:52 We don't know whether Jon is looking straight ahead or he's looking up, and In front of him the area is on fire, and I'm pretty positive the fire was caused by a dragon blowing flames because it's almost like the fire is on a line.

  8. You know another mistake I have seen some people on YT make? Thinking Drogon baring his teeth is the trailer is aggression. I don't think so. I think it is somewhat analogous to a human baring their teeth in a smile (though not exactly the same). When dragons are being aggressive they don't silently bare their teeth. They roar or attack with claw, teeth or fire.

  9. Great video m8 please do one about horn of winter and and dragon binder and how they relate to the SHOW. Horn of winter was shown 4 x in the show. Dragon binder was used in the KINGSMOOT on the books (right?) The horn of winter is on the cover of the next BOOK!!!. Could both of them produce THE SONG OF ICE AND FIRE?
    Not an easy topic is guess but you are NOT a easy/general news GOT channel are you?

  10. I will be so disappointed if we don't get to see all three of the dragons bonded and ridden before they start killing them off. 🙄 I hate the fact that they have killed off almost all of the wolves and probably the same will happen to the dragons. 😢 I still love the idea of Rhaegal sensing Jon's danger and flying off to him. 😍 How else would Dany know that they need help anyways? Why would she fly her and the three Dragons to the exact spot where Jon and his men are unless she is following Rhaegal? Unless Melissandre sees Jon in the fires and for once reads it correctly for the love of God. 💃😂

  11. True: not only is Dani the only rider for Drogan while s/he breathes, but he will only accept her as the rider/driver while s/he breathes.
    The only scenes Tyrion has in these trailers is on "dragon's crest"…if Jamie is running that horse like a madman toward Tyrion in that trailer after sacking the Tyrells, then Viseryon (who was the first dragon Tyrion unlocked), may indeed come to save him from peril as they def bonded. Tyrion could ride him (to safety) without burning shit/warring. As Tyrion has on two sets of clothes on that dragons crest at DS, the one of him with a surprised/shocked look could be after he gets off of Viseryon. And yes, that final scene of Jon surrounded by wights…well, unless D&D plan to kill him again, his only way out is Rhaegal…so he will get on that baby…

  12. I think that when it comes to the mother of dragons, Dany, would be able to ride all three if she had to because she has a strong maternal bond with all three. However, the rule of one rider, one dragon applies to most others because there would just be the one strong bond (whereas Dany, by rare circumstance, has three strong bonds because of hatching, nursing three eggs) . I think the dragons will form added bonds to Tyrion, Jamie and / Jon. But let's be honest, the Targaeryans got around #everonesatargaeryan so there could be surprise factors. I don't want to see any the dragons become the ice dragon, but I would be fine to see if the Night King already has an ice dragon that could bring down the wall. How about a dire wolf riding a dragon? 😂🍻🐲🔥🐲🔥🐲🐺


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