There is an incredible amount of hype behind Game of Thrones Season 7. Will it live up to its hype or will it fail to meet our expectations? In this video I give my opinion on the build up, teasers, promos, trailers and more! Thanks for watching!

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  1. I can understand people may not like the Dorne story line, but there's not enough room in the series for minor houses.  Also, I don't know what the big deal is?  At least they did something with the sand snakes and Ellaria who I think is great.

  2. The only bad thing about season 7 is it will have too much of the whole Bran/White Walkers storyline in it. It's the only part of the story I have no interest in. I like the politics and wars of men and dragons. Don't give a rat's patoot about the stupid undead.

  3. Well, one thing is for sure. The dragons need to fly North and help Jon out. Even if their fire can't obliterate the Walkers, they sure can help. Exhume and cremate all the Wights and graves, forge loads of Valyrian Steel, you name it. The dragons are needed and they can help.

  4. I am thinking Season 7 will be packed with action! There are to many storylines that have to be wrapped up before the end. That is a lot of unnecessary characters to the story to kill. Many of them we love! (Tormnd, Bronn, Pod, Brienne). That will make for some heartbreaking and action packed TV! 🙂

  5. they will gauge thus just as every other TV series; and movie for all who dared hope of shit over the shit. Which means the doge meme and full stop… sad as it is, fuck all. Some exctitement, much boredom, much dissapoint, they are on the down-slide of, the name which must not be spoken, the Lord of the Unsustainable. The mummer's dragon,patchface, Moonboy, the Lord Of Light, the we ones, the BWOB, it all pails before the budget of the Shows… ", this is where it ends "../. ?Um k i feel for the budget of the producers, and i have no doubt they had to delete characters, painful as it must have been! Nevertheless, this is an important story and they are all in., (they will re-earn the money much money for the next 20 yrs) so fucking go all in now since this story demands NOTHING LES! (will be the wisom for next 20 yrs and revenue selling the crap etc.)

    Damnit fuck, 13 shows? 13? God bless you for dong this, but fuck all, and yet again, see it through,you cheap-ass, skin-flint, cheap fucking fucks D and D!!! For the love of your God, fucking cowards, be as brave as your wee one actors, Sansa, ball-les Theon, Arya Stark, bitches! Not one of us give a fllying fuck if you skimp out on the wolves or some bull-shit. This is the only story you will ever d o when the dialogue will matters at all. This is a no-brainer. If you fuck this up it's because media is bust.

  6. Great video! Like you said, reading about something and seeing it are two different things. It's all about the execution. Reading about dragons as big as 747s and actually seeing Dany ride one into battle are two different experiences. Do you think HBO had anything to do with the plot leaks? There have been rumors.


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