Game of Thrones Season 7 is less than 2 weeks away now. We have more information on certain scenes for Season 7 and we may have gotten a hint at how long the finale season (Season 8) may be! In this video I discuss all the new info, give my plans for the episodes and go over the rumored length for S8.

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  1. Hooking up with HBO NOW, again, just for GoT, as we did for a few months last year to catch up, (yes, we have only been fans for less than a year and it has taken over our lives to some extent). I hope to catch it while it is streaming, if not, we will get it right after, if only to avoid all the spoilers from everyone.

  2. I'm not gonna lie, I would be utterly crushed if HBO officially announces that the 8th & final season will not air until 2019!!! Having to wait a couple extra months for S#7 is one thing but having to wait an entire extra year for the final chapter of the saga is enough to drive any GofTs fan completely insane πŸ™

    However if this news that the series' final 6 episodes might all end up actually being feature length-style like each episode practically a 2hr or maybe even a 2 & a half hour movie each one than that would surely be the greatest thing ever!!! With S#8 being both the endgame and will obviously be centered entirely around The Great War between The Realms of Men led by Jon & his allies and The Army of The Dead led by The Night King & his White Walkers, a 50min or 60min or even 80min episode is simply not going to cut it for the final season of Television's biggest show of all-time!!! Having all 6 of S#8's episodes run at 2 & a half hours per episode with the grand finale maybe running a bit longer at say 3hrs would undoubtedly be worth having to wait an extra year in order to experience as well the perfect way for GofTs to go out in style πŸ™‚

  3. I agree with you Fentony I'd rather wait and get an epic season 8 – make it big budget no holding back on CGI bring us wolves dragons giants whatever else they have,and an excellent script!

  4. I have no problem with anyone finding other ways to watch Season 7. Illegal streams can be lower quality and they might/will crash or be taken down mid episode. I will delete any comments that are sharing/linking to sites like this. It is nothing personal but I don't want them here. Thanks for watching. Season 7 is coming!

  5. If you are a student in the US, you can subscribe to HBO Now and get the first month free. Then it is $10.99 a month and think you can go month-to-month but people should double check/confirm this last part

  6. There best be a permanent Direwolves in all stark scenes…… especially with the absence of the wolves in most of season six. I always enjoy seeing a bit of dragons, but when they choose dragon scenes over wolves it pisses me off.


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