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Game of Thrones, Mirri Maz Dur, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Aegon Targaryen, Khal Drogo, Viserion, Childless Danny Prophecy, Jorah, Tyrion Lannister, Season 7, Season 1

Hey guys,

Alright so just a thing I though of, I might be totally wrong but I don’t always see the necessity to over complicate shit. I just think it is as simple as that.

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The Temperature of the Air on the Bow of the Kaleetan by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

George Street Shuffle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


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This video contains information on:
Game of Thrones Season 7
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6
Game of Thrones 7×05
Game of Thrones 7×06
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7
Game of Thrones Season 8
Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1



  1. Hey Guys,

    Let me know what you thought of this theory. Let me know as well if you think Danny will get pregnant over season 8 and remember no spoilers.

    Also didn't mean offense to anyone who is a GRRM fan, I am a fan as well, I just like to give everything its weight and sometimes things are really simpler than we want to believe.,

    Until I see you next time though, have a good one.

  2. Viserions death makes perfect sense. First, its been mentioned in the show more than once by different characters that only death pays for life. Viscerion was born in the fire (along with his brothers (3)) that killed the witch and drogo. And Rhaego died as well. 3 deaths paid for 3 lives, the dragons. So if one of the dragons died, her child, then she would be able to birth a child. Because a life was paid for another.

  3. Your completely right! Mary M. Thought that when Khal finally died Dany would follow custom and get on the funeral fire with him… And die; thus no more children.

    Thank you for your great videos!

  4. She's getting pregnant for sure
    I hope the prophecy simply wasn't true and Dario simply shot blanks lol
    I've never been a fan of prophecy, an old women predicting ur whole life
    I would love if a lot of the time they are simply wrong

  5. No matter how difficult it is to digest, but the fact is that Drogo is dead 🙁 danny couldn't see him in that vegetative ' magical coma' state and ended up killing him.
    Though i really pray if somehow they'll bring Khal back in the story turning the 'prophecy' true.

  6. I looked at a lot of videos on her pregnancy theory. I don't get y no one is bring up her and Jon dreaming of babies in the book? Daenerys dream of having a girl. Jon dream of having a book. So, are they going to have twins? What do u think?

  7. I really don't know what the end result is for Jon and Dany but I feel like Jon will get her pregnant and he will marry her because he'd never allow his own child to be born a bastard. That's an unacceptable stigma to him. But he'll also marry Dany because he loves her very much, and she him. They won't have time for a big wedding, a quick and quiet marriage like Rhaegar and Lyanna had, they're at war after all. I don't think she was barren, per se, just waiting for the right one. I think too much weight is placed on prophecies.

  8. Don't listen to anything that fat fk GRRM says. Bittersweet my ass, he'll kill both jon and Dany. Their baby will be raised by tyrion and sansa who will reunite and stay married since they never got divorced. Meanwhile gendry and arya will get married. Everyone else dies.

  9. Finally someone that doesn't take a prophecy and twist 100 facts to create a theory. I agree about the context in witch it was told. I was about Drogo and his coma and not about having more children. Even if you take it as a real prophecy, it's when all the crazy shit happen AND Danny get's pregnant AGAIN, will Drogo wake up. It's not when all the crazy shit happen that she'll have a child.
    And ofc GoT fans are going crazy with theories while waiting for s8. Everyone trying to predict some crazy event or ending. Well guess what, bat shit crazy stuff is now something we expect and maybe, just maybe we get happier ending than we expect. Everyone took that "bittersweet" as a sign of main character's deaths and sacrifices. With so many fans predicting Jon's or Danny's death maybe GRRM gives them all a finger and let them live. Like he's dumb and let that "bittersweet" past his lips not knowing the power of social media.

  10. An idea, Drogo's son, the son that sets in the east in death. Jon, the son who rose in the west from death. Both are apart Daenarys' blood. Metaphorically an representation of foreshadowing or a parallel of what a prophecy might consider? Maybe?


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