Game of Thrones season 8 All Episode Plot Revealed
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  1. I think this is better than the other leaks but I don't think that D&D will below up Tyrion character this way . also where is the hell is sam? he didn't take any part after all that building in last two seasons ?Arya and bran seems that they didn't have a much roles also

  2. I think this is the second fan theory I've read. I don't know which was worse. And don't try and speak of the book. Laughable.

    The story will start to fall into place as we see the photos from shooting which have yet to be leaked. If the book is released before the final season and before George''s last bacon double bacon sandwich with extra bacon and a bacon napkin, then the ghost writers that will take over for his fat ass corpse will hopefully have some idea where he wanted to go with the story.

    And I am from the great nation of Gofuckyourself.

  3. Kit who plays Jon Snow said that after he read the scripts for the final season it actually made him cry. That makes me believe that the ending will be very sad, and as GRRM described it "Bittersweet". God I hate that word. Bittersweet never means anything good.


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