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  1. Here's my new Game of Thrones Season 8 Arya Melisandre Prophecy video. That reunion is going to be fun. Let me know what you think Melisandre is bringing back with her when she returns! I also included new Game of Thrones Prequel Show news in the video too 🙂

  2. Does undead forming a sigil in shape of stark house at the end of season 7 have any connection with the actual members of stark house to night king? There is a shot from the above minutes before ending.

  3. I don't think Arya has to wear the faces for Melissandre to have seen the eye colours. She says she sees a darkness and eyes shut forever- eyes of people Arya would kill. So it could be anyone she kills after she becomes an assassin.

  4. I know it's natural to assume we'll get a reunion at Winterfell before the NK comes, and there's no way to know if Dany and Jon are sailing there as the wall is coming down, but what if they get there as the NK attacks? This is GoT- I could see them pulling this. Sansa's line about when Jon sees Arya again his "heart may explode" has me worried that we won't get the Jon/Arya reunion- now honestly the most anticipated reunion in the series- without some drama/during a battle. I hope I'm wrong because I just want to see the two of them together again.

  5. It really bothers me that Viserion breathes blue fire it doesn't make sense, it should either be ice or just be red. Why would it change colour just because he is dead? It would make sense to be ice really, and then he wouldn't have been able to bring the wall down and everyone would have lived happily ever after.

  6. Why do all the "Bad" characters have to have poetic justice/ ironic comeuppance?
    GoT made its intrigue off of being unconventional, and not being about good vs. evil.
    Now all the "Bad" characters are dying in conventional/ predictable ways.
    Walter Frey and his men die in the location as the Red Wedding during a celebratory occasion.
    Ramsay, the guy who torments people with hounds, gets eaten by his hounds
    Littlefinger, who held that dagger to Ned's throat, gets slashed in the throat by the same dagger.

  7. ???? J'avai pas fini
    Decorreller les forces électro faible de la matière (j'en rêve depuis des année ) pour pouvoir la modeler a notre guise. Plutôt pour les murs péruvien (les Pierre molle)…
    Certain yogi peuvent créé de la matière a parties de l'énergie universel (voir les principes de la physique quantique ) pourquoi pas la ramollir. …
    A plus
    J louis

  8. Cela ressemble a Un system d'érosion dirigée, comme des jet de liquide contenant des abrasifs. ..utilisé par exemple pour coupé des tranche de granite avec un câble d'acier et un liquide abrasif de nos jour
    Autre possibilité bon nous ne somme pas capable et de decorele

  9. Melisandre also has blue eyes. Maybe when she's taken aback while looking into Aria's face, it's because she sees her own. That could also be why she knows she has to die in that country – because she knows Aria ultimately kills her.

    Little Finger has so pissed off everyone now that, had he somehow lived, he wouldn't be welcome anywhere. So, wearing his face might also be of no advantage to Aria

  10. My third prediction is that, Daenerys will be pregnant before Jon Snow's demise. The Golden company will be Taken by the second sons and Dario. And will betray the remaining houses pladge to Cercei. And finally, we'll see a flash back into the past right before Bran dies for some reason where the very own Night King plunge a dragonglass knife into the heart of one Craster's babies. And the very last scene of the show will be one into the lands of always winter, inside the dark and cold caves where the white walkers slept for thousands of years. Inside there will be a nest Made of ice where there will be a babie Night King sleeping the Long night waiting to grow and come back. The End.

  11. My second prediction is that, when the Night King is defeated The great other will erase his zombie power from all the undead. But, Since it is a war against R'hllor, The lord of light will take back the life from within his own zombies (such as Jon Snow). This will end with Jon Snow's life instantly. As well with the red priests around the world.

  12. My prediction is that Jaime will die in the great war. After that Arya will wear his face, then will ride to Kingslanding and there she will kill Cercei disguised as Jaime to fullfill the Valonqar prophecy

  13. I think at the very least Melisandre will be back with other red priests and priestesses from Volantis. When you have seen several of them being named in the scripts, I think it is important and we would see them again. I would imagine we're definitely seeing Kinvara again. As for how she dies, I imagine that she will offer herself to temper Lightbringer, or raise Daenerys from the dead after taking the sword in the heart.

    The video I would actually like to see is about Varys. With the golden company coming in, I have a feeling they're going to do a bastardized version of the Varys is a Blackfyre theory.

  14. I think Melisandre is a very weird character, but I guess she has a purpuse on this long night stuff. Since she bears the word of the God of the Light, I suppose she will do one of this god's last wishes to be forgiven for the crimes she committed, and that will cost her life. I think she will meet again with Arya, but definetely Arya won't be the executioner.


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