Game Of Thrones Season 8 Azor Ahai Explained [Full Spoiler]



  1. Ok, maybe this theory is why Tyrion looked so sad when he seen Jon and Danny tougher. Tyrion, reads a lot of books and knows history. Maybe, he sees history repeating itself through Jon and Danny

  2. There is no hint about Danny being Jons nissa nissa….Sansa is more foreshadowed to be nissa nissa than Danny….Sansa has almost all the clues to be for Jon nissa nissa…I could support my theory about that with 7 clues who i have notice in Sansas story all this seasons ..[a]Her direwolf dies a sacrifice [lady was killed by Ned with a knive on her heart]..that foreshadows exactly of how she will die stabbed in the heart by one of her beloved family members..propably by Jon[as he is compared to Ned]..[b]she always have wanted to marry a king ..There are hints that NK is a Stark King of the past..she may be his NQ after she get sacrificed by Jon for the Lightbringer..Her dreams to be someones queen will come true with this way an undead happy life with the NK and being his bride breeding WW childrens because as you say the WW they want a female for to continue to breeding ..she still considered as a maiden ..that could work ..[c] she is kissed by fire and has magic warqing abilities …she shows that in S6…warqing into Ramsays dogs killing him…that could work for Lightbringer[d] her name is a complete anagram of nassa[Sansa=nassa ..its sounds like nissa too] and [e]her heart is harm and full of love for Jon..she is still that little dove[dove is the symbol of innocence]who still wants to marry the prince/king of her dreams ..She sees Jon as her Prince Charming ..she is jealous about him and Danny hook up..she may to try to commit suicide with his sword revealing that her love for Jon is incomplete and he never will see her as a woman but just as a sister as he does with Arya or Bran .[z].Also Jon it was sworn to protect her…that could means also that he could protect her with killing/sacrificing her and also saving her with that way from the NK if Winterfell falls to him or she to tell in him to do that during the threat because there will be no other choice than this and [G] she in S4 sow a vision that Winterfell [who she builds in snow]will fall ..This means that she would want to rise herself in Winterfell as QITN despising Jon and his ruling ..but the NK will arrive there and the Castle will fall and she will give the castle to him being his NQ ..betraying Jon with this way and he would have no choice but to kill her..that will be nice twist..Sansa always had seen Jon as a bastard who has stolen as QITN there+ plus she will be jealous for him/Danny hooking up/married and having a child and she will try to do something bad to Danny..this will make Jon angry against Sansa and he may to kill her for to protect Danny and his child from her deadly jealousy …Sansa after Ramsay rape has grow a very very dark character,hungry for revenge,greed for power and with a psychosis for Jon..those things will have deadly consequences for her in S8..Her psychosis for Geoffrey in S1 lead her to suffer a terrible life in KL and then to have a marital rape with another psycho..Her psychosis with Jon this time will lead her to her death as a sacrifice…


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