Game Of Thrones Season 8 Biggest Death Predictions. Jon Snow Daenerys Prophecy, Dragons, Night King Viserion, The Hound Cleganebowl and Cersei Lannister Theory ►
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  1. Here's my new Game Of Thrones Season 8 Death Predictions. There are a surprising number of minor characters I think can crawl away but leave all your predictions in the comments! New Game Of Thrones posting tomorrow. New Flash Season 4 tonight 🙂

  2. I think that Dany will die during childbirth and Jon will get stuck ruling (the reluctant king) and raising their child with the help of closest "advisors/friends"…. would be cool if they had triplets (the three heads of the dragon)…

  3. I think that Dany is going to be injured by the Night King to the point of not surviving and then Jon is going to put her out of suffering with long claw by running it through her heart much like Nissa Nissa completing the prince that was promised prophecy creating light bringer. He'll be able to use that weapon now to defeat the Night King

  4. "You're a grouchy old bear, aren't you." First time I saw Thoros say that to The Hound I wondering why they D&B didn't just go with grouchy old Dog. He is a clegane right? Then some episodes later Thoros goes and gets eaten by a "grouchy old bear", and I got it… lol. Brilliant writing

  5. I hope it doesnt end up like you said with who you think is going to die because that would be very boring. We all know Jon is going to die. I think your only controversy pick is daenarys. A lot of safe picks and no theories beyond the obvious ones. Having Arya or Sansa die would be a good scene because most people would not expect it. Too many happy endings too like Theon kills Euron. I dont want a happy ending for most people with the bittersweet main one. I want to feel like no one is safe in Game of Thrones like the old days. Every since the show has passed the books the writers have chickened out on anything unexpected. The unexpected makes the show good

  6. There are way too many people surviving in this prediction. No matter how it ends, who wins, or if the night king is defeated, it is going to involve a lot more death than you predict, I have no doubt about it. It's going to be a bloodbath.

  7. Night king kills everybody, then he is defeated by the last men standing, so then all the wights and white walkers die to and then that last guy dies from his wounds. Westeros left as a ruïn.

  8. I think bronn is dead. He will be the one the show uses to reinforce our hatred of cersei. I think Cersei will end him. Everyone loves Bronn and Cersei has been a little too sympathetic lately. It's time for the show to remind us how much we hate her.

  9. Wow last season. I dont think a lot of us will be ready for that. Also lots of deaths. Idk. I really like Danny but i am almost positive she is going to die. Bitter sweet ending. I like this sweet but THIS "bitter". Ohh we are going to see lots of deaths. 😔


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