In this video we discuss a theory that Cersei’s pregnancy will result in the birth of a dwarf baby. This theory is based upon the possible fulfillment of the valonqar theory, that Jamie will kill Cersei, and our prediction that the most poetic outcome would be for Cersei to have a baby that has the same physical characteristics of the brother (Tyrion) that she hates. We believe that she would likely try to kill this baby and it would lead Jamie to kill her in defense of the baby.



  1. Unfortunately, you guys are wrong. Here's why: There are only 8 episodes left in the series — there is simply not enough time to develop a subplot like that, and so far this season is already full of plot holes to fill anyway. More likely, Cersei is lying because she fears that Jamie is turning on her because he thinks it's an unwinnable war and because he is susceptible to Tyrion's beckoning. With a fake pregnancy, she can keep him close. When he finds out she is lying, it will be just another additional reason why he will eventually become the queen-slayer (in addition to the king-slayer).


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