Some personal predictions and fan fiction concerning Game of Thrones season 8. This is the updated part 8 of the story !
Everything is in story mode – text and not narrated with a lot of unique pictures edited in Photoshop

Warning Possible spoilers !!!

Daenerys is pregnant
Cersei miscarriage, she kills her child with Jaime…
Arya will hurt the Night King
Night King touches Daenerys womb
Epic fights with White Walkers and Ice Giants

audio: I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

more audio: GoT covers from Sourjah:



  1. Hello sweet ice cream boy…….. i hope the baby be born alive and well and that fucking NK doesnt have caused any problem to him/her..I hope Jon got survives from that Ice Dragon attack …They need 4-5 Qyburns scorpions ballistas to hit that motherfucker ice dragon and some wildfire bombs/grenades to defeat the rest of those fuckin icy zombies …They are important

  2. I thought you'd be saving this for the next part but this is a pleasent surprise. So now the the NK has touched Dany's womb does that mean the baby will be born with some white walker powers in him? Also I'm guessing Pod and Arya like bran will never walk again?

  3. Part 8 updated. Story/text based predictions for GoT season 8; all dialog/story is my creation (fan fiction) although English is not my first language therefore sorry for weird expressions; many images edited in Photoshop to match the story, editing takes time, not all results are perfect ! Hope some will enjoy ! Part nine coming soon … and this must be watched after the first seven parts !


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