Game of Thrones season 8 episode 1 complete plot has been revealed in this video. This video contains season 8 spoilers, so watch at your own risk. Leaks for the rest of the episodes will soon be uploaded.

Thumbnail art by Yagi Hikaru


Highlights: Night King attacks Castle Black. Beric Dondarrion dies. Tormund and Gendry successfully escape. Daenerys and Jon reach Winterfell. Jon and Arya reunite. Euron escorts Golden Company to King’s Landing. Cersei orders them to capture Storm’s End. Jon decides to lure the Night King in the Eyrie. Melisandre comes back to Volantis, where Kinvara, the High Priestess orders her to go back North. Bronn also leaves King’s Landing and joins Jaime. Jon finds out about his true parentage.



  1. I love how all the people coming up with excuses "Oh noo they haven't started filming yet", "these can't be real!"

    Watch them turn out to be real. You all came here to read the leaks in the first place. You all came to find out everything that happens. Now they aren't what you wanted and you are complaining about fake leaks hahahahah.

    SO many idiots in this world.

  2. Just keep in mind to everyone that all this is theories doesn't mean it's actually true maybe from the book but the guys have even started filming yet so we'll never know until the final season hats .

  3. From what I have heard from all these videos they all die including Jon and danaryes WTF I will be so pissed if this happens what is the whole point of leading the Jon and danaryes relationship for as long as they have just to kill all of them off

  4. I have doubts the leaks are real (I would have heard it reported on other news outlets), but it sounds plausible enough to be real. This is the kind of episode you'd expect from a real episode. But it's a bit long. I doubt Euron gets to marry Cersei and fuck her all in one episode. He'd be in Essos still. He can't have sailed all the way there and back in one episode. That would take a long time. You can't even do a time skip for instant travel like they have been, because the dead are already past the wall. By the time Euron gets back the dead will have taken over Westeros.

    At the very least, Euron will not be back in Westeros for a few episodes. You can't do time skips in an episode when the dead are here.

  5. I think the worse part of those leaks is Dany's body hanging, rotting on the walls of Kings Landing and people whom she didn't want to bring fire and blood throwing shit at her. If she must die I want her to die in the battle, saving someone having a honorable death, she deserves it.
    Like for real Daenerys Targaryen the mother of dragons asking someone to end her misery and kill her after she gave birth doesn't suit her at all. Like really did she beg for a quick death when she almost died from dehydration in S1? When she was raped say after day? No! This woman will not beg for death even being in great pain.

    I wish I wouldn't have read the entire plot of S8 leak which I hope is fake because I'm still traumatized. If not and it happens exactly as written in the leaks I decided to not watch it, first because I don't want to be more traumatized and second it's a really lazy written ending to such a series and I'm not saying this because my all favorite characters die basically in the same episode except for Tyrion who ends up sitting on that throne as a regent, which is cool but really? blow up Jon, Jaime, Jorah in the same scene it's like "let's get over it, something quick and effective to vanish the half of the cast". That's what I call a lazy writing.
    It was innovative killing the main characters but the problem is that at the end no one knows how properly end the series.

    If it turns true, in my head GoT ended in S7 Dany burned the Kings Landing and it's garbage of habitants (except for Jaime and Bron those somehow survived, wth not?)to the ground like she should have (that's what happens to you for not listening Lady Olenna you end up being a vessel for an heir, die in birth and then hundreds of citizens you wanted to protect throw shit at your decomposing body), went straight to north helped with the whites and now is ruling from Dragonstone while Kings Landing is being reconstructed.
    Not better writing (well I am not a writer/director who is payed to do a decent job) but it suits for me as an ending that will not traumatize me for months.
    Oh and that Tyrion ending up with Missandei I can keep it just as Sansa ruling Winterfell and the Vale. Bronn having a castle and a hot wife in Dorne is nice too. (But still not enough to cover the sweet in the bittersweet ending that we were promised).

  6. HOLY SHIT, that stuff with melesadrae going back to the north and dying will be of John aka Aegon killing her by sticking a sword in her heart making it Lightbringer. It all makes sense now. The prince that was promised will wield the lightbringer to defeat the night king. I'm HYPED.

  7. These are 100% fake. Written by some illiterate idiot who can't
    understand what the author is writing about. If you really want to know
    the real ending, here goes: Jon will become the Night King and Dany will
    become the Night Queen. Their child sits on the Iron Throne. He
    rebuilds the Targaryen dynasty as no one dares to defy the Targs with
    such scary parents. His hand will most likely be Tyrion. In the very end
    Samwell Tarly writes this story down on the books of Oldtown. What 99%
    of people have a hard time understanding is that time is cyclical in
    this story. The same things keep happening over and over again. Now we
    see a time loop from the destruction of House Targaryen to its
    restoration. All of this has happened before and all of this will happen
    in the future aswell. Targaryens will rule for centuries until people
    have forgotten all about Jon and Dany. Then they are killed yet again
    prompting Jon and Dany to attack mankind yet again for what they have
    done to their children.


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