Game of Thrones season 8 episode 5 complete plot has been revealed in this video. This video contains season 8 spoilers, so watch at your own risk. Leaks for the season 8 finale will soon be uploaded.

Check out the previous episode leaks here.


Highlights: Knights of the Vale prepare for battle. The Golden Company heads off to Dragonstone. Daenerys goes into labor. Army of the Dead attacks the Knights of the Vale. Stark, Tully and Lannister armies reach just in time to help the Knights of the Vale. Gendry stabs Viserion with dragonglass and Drogon burns his body. Brienne is killed by a White Walker. She dies in Jaime’s arms. Arya and the Hound reach King’s Landing. The Golden Company invades Dragonstone. Jorah too joins the fight. The Night King is killed by Jon and apparently, all the wights die too. Daenerys gives birth to a daughter. She names her Lyanna Targaryen. Daenerys is very weak and dying. She asks Jorah to kill her and end her suffering. Jorah refuses but Varys complies and puts Samwell’s sword Heartsbane through her chest. Arya kills Qyburn and then poisons Cersei in his disguise. Later, she slits Cersei’s throat. The Hound and the Mountain fight. The Hound burns the Mountain’s face and leaves him to die. The Golden Company defeats the Unsullied and the Dothraki. They kill Varys and take Daenerys’s body with them. Jon and Sansa arrive in Dragonstone to find that everyone has been slaughtered. Jon sees his daughter and weeps. Euron Greyjoy arrives in King’s Landing and is coronated the King of the Seven Kingdoms.



  1. WOW you are still clickbaiting with this?After it has been debunked by EVERYBODY because it's so obvious that it's written by a Euron fan with no talent for writting?Shame…SHAME…

  2. Dany dying in childbirth is a pretty poor ending for her character….She started game of thrones as one of the weakest characters and now going into season 8 she's one of the strongest…….Enough with the fan fiction….Especially trying to pass it off as real plot leaks…Is ridiculous

  3. I knew this was going to be the sad ending of Daenerys. But that works perfectly for my movie scripts then. The first time ever secret society of Fire & Blood is formed, in the TBA~ Theatrical, Game Of Thrones~ Return Of The Dragon Queen. A ritual is performed that brings her back from the 'Abyss', as they call it. But not without one of the Red robed lords being killed, to which the Fire & Blood Society, considers this a good sacrifice. To blend in the fact that Emilia Clarke wot do any sequels, the remaining society lords, wraps the queens face due to mysterious facial injuries. They protect her at all costs till they get to a small town, outside the Black Watch location. When she is healed, they unwrap her face to reveal a new actress as the Dragon Queen.
    Eventually, as they get back to Dragonstone, Jon has already left, and Tyrien has temp. custody of Lyann Targaryen. For the daughters protection, like Jon Snow, her name is change to Janerys, for her own protection. As time goes by, Those not killed off by the great white walker war, rally together when they hear a dragon queen reigns in Drasgonstone. Daenerys looks different, and is reunited with er daughter Jaenerys (Lyanne) Targaryen.
    Eventually, Jon hears the rumor that she is alive and well, and comes to find out if this is treachery, or truth. When he sees the truth, he is once again happy. But an attempted assassination on her life is made, by those of the North, who don't want her back alive. They burn an encampment tent while she is tied up in the tent. Needless to say, the North learns quickly that, again, fire doesn't burn her, and 3 new dragon eggs hatch. Those that attempt the assignation are mostly caught, with some that escape, and they are then, hanged, or burned at the steak.
    They then continue on to Kingslanding where they take temporary shelter, as the palace and throne room is being rebuilt so that Daenerys and Jon can make new vows, and the throne. (This wont come about till Game Of Thrones: The Missing Link~ Lost Pages Of Time) As time goes by, her new 3 dragons, will be black, green, and pure white.
    The dragons grow fast in the 6 months that they reside in Kingslanding, and the baby girl gets big s well. Then, it leaves off to keep viewers in suspense, till the mini-series comes out…

  4. Okay, the Leakers got Season 7 right. I'll give them that. But if Dany dies mid season Eight, it'll be the biggest pisstake in TV history, worse even than Lost. Personally I LOVED the mindfucking Sopranos ending, but this won't be like that. Imagine if Tony had died before Christopher Moltasanti…? Same thing.

  5. I know this is fake because…

    Even in GoT universe, it takes 10 months to make a baby.

    The WWs are already near Winterfell when Season 7 ended.

    They will be there within 2 months. The war vs. WW wont last 10 months.

  6. For me everything is ok if it is true. All I want is to see the Hound and Arya together, and the Hound killing the Montain…. I´ve been waiting for this since season 1.

  7. This sounds like it was written a by 13 yearold fanboi… makes no sense. Euron Grayjoy named king of the seven kingdoms??? he does not even have strong enough claim to be the ruler of Iron Islands let alone seven kingdoms…. this is crap makes no sense fanboi fiction.


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