Game Of Thrones Seeason 8 Live Stream Q&A
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Game of Thrones Season 8. Answering questions and just hanging out and discussing Game Of Thrones Season 8. Thanks for watching! Please like, share and subscribe!

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  1. I’m a scene lover too Chris. Lots of great ones and the first one that turned my “like” into an obsession was the finale of season 1 with Dany sitting there with the baby dragons! 😱 holy crap I knew this was my show of all shows lol

  2. U guys seen the video of Kit at bar ah few days ago blacked out drunk smh he was gone…they shouldnt have let him get that drunk or atleast took his ass home or gave him water smh He was blacked out smh

  3. Hey, Clint here, love your channel and content. I been a sub since you first started your channel (this channel) one suggestion I would like to make is when you go on break or before you start the show. Could you tone down the music volume closer to match the actual Q and A. That said man, keep up the great content.

  4. Could Bran the Builder be the Night King??????????????????

    12000 years ago, the first men crossed into Westeros. war between the children and the first men
    The children created the first white walkers out of desperation, but shortly afterward, a pact between the children and the first men was made to end the war. The Children may have forgotten about the weapon they created. It is possible that they even allowed it roam around as a form of insurance against men breaking their end of the bargain.

    4000 yrs later came the long night. This may have been the first recorded.
    The white walkers arrive, threatening everything. The Walkers may have possibly caused the long night. Their purpose was only in partial fulfillment. They never really helped the children of the forest, but destroyed men they did; neither were the children of the forest spared.
    The children and the first men, together, defeated and drove them north.
    The first leader of the white walkers was probably defeated after the last hero, wielding lightbringer. He may have been the last hero who created lightbringer by tempering the sword in the breast of his beloved Nisa Nisa.

    The wall was built, and the Nights Watch formed.

    The 13th lord commander may have been the first lord commander, and the builder of the wall, who embellished 12 of his top comrades with title of Lord Commanders. Since there isn't any record of the first 12 before him, it is possible they were all contemporaries He may have been Bran the Builder, the founder of house Stark. Something may have been peculiar about the white walker woman he found that caused him to pursue after, even as to giving her his seed and soul. Could it be that Nisa Nisa only had her soul taken and bound to lightbringer, while she yet continued soulless, wandering about the realm at night. There has go to be a reason for such fascination with the very thing the wall was built to protect against.

    After the King Beyond the wall allying with Brandon the Breaker, defeated the 13th Lord Commander, he was driven afar off. However, his first sighting in the show, was with his 12, as he received his gift from Craster.

    The Starks may have obliterated records of the 13th Lord Commander in order to keep their house honorable and void of such dark, sordid acts. Hence, Bran the builder himself seemingly became a mythical figure among Maesters, common folk alike. There has got to be a reason the Starks have not said much about him besides the buildings which are evident. For other things without evidence, they speak not of them.

    Why id Brandon the Breaker qualified by "the breaker"? What did he break? is it possible that he was a descendant or close kin of the builder, whose action may have antagonized the other Brandon known for building? There is a reason the matters of the NightsWatch are attended to with a very high degree of personal responsibility. One Brandon Buildeth, another Brandon Breaketh!

  5. I think NK will go to the KL ..Cercei will be alive still..and he and she will meet face to face.Jon will be cursed to live as NK//Making a pax with the remaining dead ..Danny will live and be queen mother to her son[King] with Jon..Sansa will be Jealous of Jon /Danny relationship ..but Arya will accept[she is loyal to Jon]and will be Kingsquad in his King Son and his Queen Mother..Arya wont betray Jon..thats Sansa

  6. Cercei will be betrayed/killed by Euron..He wants the Throne for himself…I dont want Jaime to die..Arya will live..Sansa the most weak from the Starks family member will die saving Lady dies for to save Nymeria..her little sister..Sansas has complete her goal[taking revenge from Littlefinger for betraying her father]..She will die eaten by a she did with Ramsay feeding to his own dogs.

  7. Things I wanna know. Could Tyrion be a Targarean? Could Gendry actually be Cersi and Roberts only child? Could Dany's first child still be alive and kidnapped? She never saw the child. A marriage to Jon and having his child and having a Dothraki child could indeed unite the North, South, and East – potentially the world.

  8. Have you guys heard the theory about Euron taking over the Iron Bank and being the Valonqar that kills Cersi. Thwy made such a point to ahow he had to hands and her prophecy states they will place their hands around her throat…plural so 2 hands and Jaime only has one and in the books, Euron has a dream about a 'pale' lady next to him…You think maybe because Euron is Baelon's littlw brother he kills her? Bcuz the prophecy just says little brother it doesn't say HER little brother
    Idl…cool idea


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