Welcome back for another Talking Thrones Q&A Video. In this video I answer some of the most liked questions you left. Most of them relate to Game of Thrones Season 8 and the End Game but some of them are about some other things. The Questions and Answers range from Who will be the next Stark Heir? Will Jon Snow ride a Dragon? Has Varys already betrayed Daenerys? Why did Jaqen let Arya Stark leave the House of Black and White? Which reunion am I looking forward to the most and many more! I want to thank everyone for leaving their questions again. Let me know what you think about these topics. Thanks for watching!

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Outro Music: Light of the Seven Remix



  1. If Sansa marries a lowborn commoner and has kids with him, then the kids take their mothers last name as the father doesn't have one. Situations like this have happened in the real world.

  2. I think that dany and jon will eventually win the war and defeat Cersei (with some major casualties obviously) but varys will betray both Jon and dany and get in power some how and seize the iron throne because he may be the last of the blackfyre line of bastards and may want a claim to the throne. Westeros will be in peace when this happens because varys has always served the realm. I think this is the bittersweet ending georgie was talking about.Edit:also I think bran will confront varys 1on1 about his true lineage and varys will kill him.

  3. If there must be a Stark at Winterfell, maybe Sansa could build a cave for Bran under the weirwood tree and Bran could live his life becoming a part of the root system (like the first Three-Eyed Raven. OR-I heard if a noble woman marries beneath her station or to a man with no rank (like the Hound), the children would inherit her name. If true, Sansa's children would have the Stark name. OR-the Night King becomes human, is the original Stark, marries Sansa, and they have children.

  4. All the major houses have died or dwindling away, the Tyrell's , the Martell's, the Baratheon's ,the Freys are finished. It's assumed that Euron will die and Theon can't have kids, so no Greyjoy heirs .It's unlikely Bran will have kids, no Stark heirs .More than likely Jamie will die, But Tyrion could produce an heir, a possibility of a Lannister heir. I think the Houses will be abolished , Westeros will start a new, nothing from the past will go forward into the future.

  5. Here’s a question talking Thrones >Davos 2 big role in season 8 to kill melisandre with long claw and jon and daenerys promise to him to keep their child safe then he leaving on a boat as his child that could happen

  6. I believe jon is not a targaryean, but does have valyrian blood, since Jon is black of hair, Father is Ned Stark and mother is Ashara Dayne. So the stark heir is still gonna happen through jon since both parents are high borne

  7. Okay for the end Jamie kills Cersi. Bran enters a subconscious fight with the Night king. He loses a close battle of minds and is almost killed. Thinking the NK is weak enough the living advance on the dead and The final battle takes place. Arya fights side by side with gendry and they both live until the end. jamie saves jon in battle but is cut down Qui Gon Gin style. Jon rushes the Night King. Jamie is shown pale and dying. Cold and alone. Mean while we see Brianne F'ing up white walkers and she is stabbed. Show jamie and his love dying across the battle field say 50-70 yards apart. Pov shot from jamie or threw his eyes watching as the NK stops fighting for a breif period as his eyes go white and is stabbed in the heart with DAWN by Jon. Bran used everything left in him to lock his mind in with the NK. Which kills both of them. Danny already died giving birth.

  8. Doesn’t it seem weird that Varys said to Ned Stark ”not today” just a few scenes after we had seen Syrio Forel face Meryl Trant in season 1 and there he also said ”not today”. I’m not great at developping or developping these things but just wanted to throw this out there.

  9. Why  was Bran staring into the flames like Melisandre when Sam came to visit him in the season 7 finale? When he had the vision of Rhaegar and Lyanna their wasn't a weirwood around, just flames. Bran hasn't met Melisandre or any of the Brotherhood. Why would he be looking into the flames?

  10. After Jon finds out Danny is pregnant they will marry just before the Long Night. During the war Danny dies during childbirth. After Jon defeats the Night King, & many lives lost. I think Jon will use both last names. I think he will stay at Winterfel and raise his child there. King of the North, Keeping Stark name there. He will make
    Grendry King, with the Baretheion name and he will marry Arya. with Tyrion at his side. Tyrion & Sansa will stay married.

  11. I mentioned in the past my theory on what it will take to kill the NK. Take out the dragon glass that is in his chest, to see if he reverts back into in human or lesser form (still don't know how they will get close enough to do so). I know there was blood magic involved, so maybe they will have to say the same words that the Children said. I would love to see the NK revert back into human so we can get his point of view on what he has experienced all these years. I don't know if they will allow him to live if he reverts back into human, even if he didn't know what he was doing. We do not even know if he was a good person when he was human. I always wondered what his back story was and why the Children picked him to be the NK or if they just happened upon some random guy.


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