Again, take this with a GRAIN OF SALT lol. Lets discuss what goes down in Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2 according to the “plot leak”! I know 40 mins is a long video especially for Game Of Thrones but, according to the “plot leak” episode 2 of season 8 will have alot of major events go down. This video is long in order to cover everything mentioned as well as break it down. I hope y’all enjoy this!


Season 8 “Plot Leak” Part 1

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Plot Leak Source

➤ Game Of Thrones Season 8 Plot Leak➤Game of Thrones Season 8 Theory➤Season 8 Game Of Thrones Leaked Scenes➤Game Of Thrones Season 8➤The Long Night➤Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1➤Game Of Thrones Season 8 plot leak breakdown➤Daenerys Jon Snow Game Of Thrones Season 8

I dont own the rights, images AND MUSIC to Game Of Thrones.
(Property of HBO) (Property of George RR Martin) Everything here is used under fair use.



  1. I really do doubt that the Northern lords would say that the north is not Jon's to give. It just doesn't make sense. That belittles the lords of the north. Sure we had that scene in Season 7 where Lord Glover says "Perhaps we were wrong to crown him", but the northern lords are proud and honorable. They bent the knee to Jon and crowned him King because they feel and know that he is the one to lead them onwards. No loyal lord questions their King or Warden.

  2. Ser hunts I enjoy your channel, however, it would be nice if you would not include potential spoilers on the thumbnails of the videos for people that don't want to see potential spoilers

  3. This is amateur writing at its worst. The other "spoilers" posted for S8 were soooo interesting and believable EXCEPT they forgot to give jaime n bronn any ending so we are to assume they rode off into the sunset together! Smh n lol epic fail.
    Ty for keeping us posted during the longgggg off season. Your vids are great im just not buying this leak 😆😅😭💯💯

  4. First, Jons the’s not his to give?? Haha!
    Second, Jon wouldn’t tell anybody about Daenerys not being able to have kids. It’s her secret to tell.
    Third, Arya will be excited to meet a Targaryen.
    Daenerys being pushed as uptight and ruler? No. She’s there to help not conquer.

  5. Dany lost her entire family, and to just cause a scene like that not allowing Jon to meet Arya, the 1 sister whos ever loved him, hell NO. Dany would do anything to meet Rhaegar just once……who wrote this shit? Shes in love with Jon like Arwen was with Aragorn. She gave up her immortality for him, Dany went north to save his life, she would do anything to please him. Makes no sense. And Ghost is 100% loyal to Jon. Ghost aint Sansa who changes her men faster than her panties 😝

  6. Intense, during introductions makes sense! Daenarys I believe will not be expecting to be welcomed with open arms. Jon and Daenarys would have had a conversation regarding this. Sansa will be cautious, observing everyone and their reactions. Jon, being a leader will take control of any negative uprising. From the Banner Lords.and his own family, the truth of the consequences of everyone, regardless of who they are, don't band together to fight the real enemy. Daenarys will no doubt confirm, why she supports Jon. And that she, her dragons, and her army have come to join forces with them in this great battle. Somewhere in between Jon's return, reconnecting with family, Bran and Sam will try to talk him. Not right away, to much happening. Theon will rescue Yara, maybe one of them dying fighting Euron. The writers will no doubt, have a good go with Euron's character, surprises around! I hope the Golden Company ends up fighting along side, 'our' favorite Targaryen duo. The Firey Hand, Melisandre, Kinvara, we might not see this episode. Who ever wrote this, crammed so much into this leak, it just doesn't make any sense. I will have to think this through after relisting to the narrative. Really enjoyed this video, Mark! I had laugh at how the author, seemed just to throw it together. Good job!


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