***SPOILER WARNING*** This video contains all kinds of spoilers. If you’re currently reading the books or if you’re not caught up with the TV show, then this is not the video for you! Season 7 of Game of Thrones has ended. But the internet is buzzing with talk that there’s already a leaked script for season 8 of our favorite show! What does the leak tell us about the final season? And more importantly, is it legit? Watch this video and let’s work it out together!

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  1. my issue with the Wolfpack showing up and killing off most of the whites wolves kill whites I mean if I'd only fire dragon glass and Valyrian steel did that yeah that one just seems a little confusing to me

  2. sorry if all the comments are a pain in the ass but it helps me keep each thing we're talking about separate but this one I just want to say I love calling out the sticked with me… because if you he'll want go back and watch the show at multiple points in almost every season I would put money on he says stuck in that context a few times so yes I agree with you either that's a typo or a guys are full of s***

  3. sorry me again I thought Theon was trying to take back Pike and the iron Islands because doesn't he still think ( I can't spell his damn name so we will just refer to him as his uncle lol ) his uncle went back to the iron Islands I mean we know he didn't and we know that she's on the silence but does Theon know this I can't remember… looking forward to your input

  4. not arguing any point just asking your opinion if greywater watch is a floating Fortress would it be possible to move the Fortress up the River to RiverRun cuz I mean that would just be awesome if they could show up at RiverRun and all of a sudden there's two fortresses instead of one

  5. Omg thank you soooooo much NWS ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ that was great 😊 the meme turned out perfect! You’re a rare and unique talent my friend⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  6. as far as the Tyrion impregnating joke I can understand it Braun said it first in season 1 carrying used it again to describe taking casterly Rock and the reason why he said it this time is cuz when he said it the last time Ron wasn't around he was more directing the joke at Braun because he was the one who originally said It

  7. I agree with so much of what you're saying here. I just can't imagine the showrunners letting fans down around every corner. No Brienne and Tormund, no Aria and Gendrey, setting up goodbyes only to bring people and animals back again repeatedly. Meera was supposedly written out in season 7's leaked script, but here she is again. Arya saying Nymeria isn't the same and saying goodbye basically, just to have Nymeria and her pack apparently secretly following Arya till she's needed again. Theon leaving in S7 finale (after an awesome exchange with Jon) to rescue Yara, then he's back with Jon in 8.1, like that goodbye never happened? It's just too contradictory.


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