Daenerys’s messianic qualities and single-minded throne lust has always made her a dicey candidate for realm-ruling. “I have served tyrants most of my life — they all talk about destiny,” Varys said, and he’s not wrong.

But in Dany’s defense, how much more is the woman supposed to take? She seems done listening to anything aside from her own sense of justice. And if that means tens of thousands of King’s Landing innocents have the sky fall down upon them, so be it. The question is whether she’ll end up falling along with it.

We’ll have more later. But for now, here’s what else happened on Sunday:

• Jaime embraced his better self and Tyrion’s tall jokes before word of Cersei turned him into a sort of one-handed Manchurian Candidate heading back for King’s Landing. “She’s hateful, and so am I,” he told a sobbing Brienne. I know the show needs him to have a final showdown with his partner in twincest, but it all felt pretty abrupt.

• Maybe he can catch up to Bronn on the way. He finally showed up with the crossbow and his counteroffer, and left with yet another Lannister I.O.U.: Highgarden. Castles were being doled out all over Winterfell.

• Also headed to King’s Landing: Jon, Grey Worm and their remaining army, and Arya and the Hound. By reuniting perhaps the best road duo of the show and portending a Cleganebowl (“some unfinished business”), it’s a two-for-one fan service deal, but I’m O.K. with it.

• Cersei is going to keep using this pregnancy gimmick until it stops working.

• So was that the last time we saw Ghost, Tormund, Sam and Gilly? Gilly mocked Sam for trying to explain to Jon where babies come from, but I think in his own clumsy way, Sam was trying to brag.

• “She’s his aunt,” Varys said. Thank you, Varys. Somebody had to say it.

Please check back later for a more in-depth version of this recap.



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