

  1. Question: G.R.R.M stated that no human killed in GOT can actually "come back to life as a human"… wouldn't that mean that Jon is actually a Wight (although a Fire Wight not an Ice Wight)? I know the Wights fall when their makers are killed, so then wouldn't it be the same with Jon; but since a White Walker did not make him, I wonder what/who it is that could take him out in this way (if anything of course)

  2. I'd love to listen to this and enjoy this fan fiction but the robotic AI voice is to difficult for me to listen to. It drills through my skull and disgusts me like fingernails down a chalkboard. If you can't talk can you or a friend type it out if you're not able?

  3. Dany's death was foreshadowed in her vision in the House of the Undying. It doesn't make sense that both she and Jon die. The idea that their baby will eventually rule under the guardianship of Tyrion is far fetched. Could Tyrion really carry that out? I doubt it.

    IMO Jon is Azor Ahai.
    Melisandre: " I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow." (Snow is capitalized)

    Dany's quest has been to be the ruler of 7 kingdoms while Jon's is to save mankind and has no interest in ruling. Jon has the nobler cause and has been the one trying to unite all the kingdoms and wants them to put aside their differences. So does it really make sense that Jon (Azor Ahai) would defeat the Night King only to die in a wildfire accident as the "leaked script" says along with most of the main characters? Just to kill them all for shock value? If so that's pretty bad writing and makes the ending of GOT poor indeed.

  4. Let's say they kill the NK by mid season; still, I am not sure the threat would be just Cersei. Euron might get to sit on that throne as well before all is over. At some point, anyone who is anyone in King's Landing will be in a position to go for it, even Qyburn. It will be different and exiting, I'll give you that.


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