Have the Faceless Men been grooming Arya to take the Iron Throne? (Picture: HBO)

Game Of Thrones season eight may be a fair few months away (from what we can tell), but that hasn’t stopped us all casting our minds towards the end game.

Though there’s a war with the White Walkers and the Night King to survive – and let’s face it many are not going to survive that – the end game is all about who gets the Iron Throne.

Now, with this in mind, there have been some really interesting theories coming forward about who will claim the thrown – Starks, Targaryens, Lannisters etc.

But have you ever thought that a Faceless Man could sit on the thrown? After all there is one Stark with a connection to the group of assassins, Arya.

In one theory Jaqen is Syrio, but the Faceless Men have been manipulating Arya so that she can bring the God of Death victory in Westeros against the other deities (Picture: HBO)

But, one fan has taken the battle for the Seven Kingdoms up to a whole new celestial level, theorising that the group of assassins could end up in possession of the crown – all in the name of their god.

‘Obviously, this theory is not new, but it seems as thought this is not a fight between the great houses, but a proxy war between the gods,’ theorizes shuttleguy11 on Reddit.

‘The God of Death, The Lord of Light, The Old Gods, the New Gods, all have champions in Westeros. But the one playing behind the scenes where no one exists to counter their plans, is the God of Death.’

This specific theory revolves around one-time sword master Syrio Forel, who you’ll remember was the Bravosi blade master supposedly killed by Ser Meryn Trant back in season one.

Arya would sit on the throne, but it would be the God of Death who ruled the Seven Kingdoms (Picture: HBO)

‘Syrio, is Jaqen [H’ghar, the Faceless Man that Arya meets in Harrenhal], is a myriad of other people. He is serving the God of Death in the fight over the world with the other gods. ‘

During Syrio’s battle with Trant he changes his face to that of Jaquen, which causes Meryn to drop his sword in fright and run – not something that is too hard to believe.

The theory goes on to state, ‘Syrio, now Jaqen makes his way to the dungeons to get picked up by Yoren so he can reunite with Arya’. And in this respect he knew something about, or had something to do with, Ned’s death.

This is because he needed the girl to head North where he could somehow come into contact with her as Jaqen and set her on the path to Bravos.

The theory ends with the user stating: ‘Arya then trains to be a faceless man as part of his [Jaqen’s] plan to use someone who is thought to be dead, and at the very least not a threat to carry out the God of Death’s plans to win the proxy war between the gods.’

So, there you go, it’s all to do with religion at the end of the day… apparently.

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