Game of Thrones Season 8 finale(Episode 6) complete plot has been revealed in this video. This video contains spoilers so watch at your own risk.


Thumbnail art by Edward Mosqueda


Jaime, Bronn, Gendry, Tyrion and Ser Davos arrive in Dragonstone and find out about Daenerys’s death. Yara Greyjoy also reaches with a few Ironborn. In King’s Landing, Daenerys’s corpse is desecrated by the people. Samwell tells everyone about Jon’s true parentage. Sansa leaves for Winterfell. Melisandre visits Dragonstone again and is executed on the beach by Drogon’s fire. Jon, Jaime, Bronn, Gendry and Yara leave for King’s Landing with the Northerner, Lannister, Dothraki and the Unsullied Army. They invade King’s Landing from the Blackwater Bay and manage to break through the city gates. Drogon is hit by two scorpion arrows. Jon lands him in Dragonpit. Euron and some Golden Company Soldiers attack them. Jaime and the Hound come to Dragonpit to help Jon. Euron is fatally wounded by Jaime. Drogon breathes fire and the wildfire beneath the Dragonpit ignites. There’s a big explosion and everyone in the Dragonpit dies including Jon, Jaime and the Hound. Tyrion is broken to hear the news. Arya leaves Westeros and boards a ship to Essos.
Samwell Tarly is the Lord of the Reach. He and Gilly are having another child. Sansa Stark is the Lady of the Winterfell and Vale. She is married to Gendry Baratheon, who is the Lord of Storm Lands. Edmure Tully is the Lord of Riverlands. Dorne is ruled by Oberyn’s daughter, who is married to Bronn. Tyrion Lannister is the King Regent and the Hand of Queen Lyanna Targaryen. In the Lands of Always Winter, Bran Stark is awakened as the new Night King by a white walker who somehow survived. Winter is coming…



  1. mmmhhmm I do not want to believe that John and Daenerys die, some things seem plausible, but some do not make sense, Melisandre's death for one, from my point of view all this screen time is wasted she does not bring anything of value to the last season. Euron King of the Seven Kingdoms? and Danny's body desecrated in such way ? NO NO! Bran's death? we are all expecting him to play an important role in the defeat of the dead, and what was the purpose of the three-eyed raven? I like that Arya get reunited with Nymeria and the way she kills Cersei by using Qyburn, the only person that she actually trusts. Tyrion is the perfect hand to the baby Lyanna Queen plus he deserves to be happy and find a woman that loves him. As much as I hate to see Jon and Danny go, I think this plot is possible.

    But whether or not this is true, I have to admit that I found some relief to my anxiety of waiting 2 years for the last season and as it has become clear that the book of the Winds of Winter will not be out until the TV series ends I think I probably will be dead by the time we know if this is real or not so I am willing to believe this better something than nothing, oh well…. only time will tell and if I am still here I will know

  2. Well, from your point of view, we are going to watch Jon, hugging everyone while others are fighting for his life and in the end, we will get Tyrion and Missandei having sex. "great" imagination :)))) plus, every single thing you've said during this video is based on things that already has happened in GOT history, so you are actually changing characters and timeline but the things stays the same. Well, you can say that Jon died because of fire, but remember from the books that dragons are fire resistant, thus wild fire is not the weapon that will kill Drogon. I wish that real ending will not be closer to this bullshit.

  3. Being honest, when i first read all this leaks i immediately thought it was all false, then i even watched several youtubers debunking it, but the more i think about it the more i'm convinced it's true. Of course all these scenes might not happen exactly like this but it actually sounds really plausible the more you think about it. Of course it sounds like fanfiction but you have to have in mind that this is just an early story draft of the season, with no dialogue yet, it will be polished. I read season 6 and 7 spoilers and they also read like fanfiction and guess what? It was all true!

  4. these videos are just bull shit horse shit
    there is no way that both jon and daenerys can be killed
    and there is no way that the show will leave another white walker alive. wasnt that the true point of the novel to end the cycle of ice and fire for good
    and i believe 2 dragons i.e drogon and rhaegal will be alive at the end of the game of thrones to reproduce further

  5. " Gendry also expresses his hatred towards Euron as he has taken the Baratheon seat of Storm's End away from his deceased family" yeah right, cause he grew up in storm's end and had found memories of his Baratheon family. This is total bullshit, he grew up as a Bastard in Kings Landing and never even saw Storm's End. Hope this isn't the real ending


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