Game of Thrones writer GRRM and Bryan Cogman are developing a 5th prequel series To be aired after Game Of Thrones season 8.
What will the series be about? Roberts Rebellion or some other story from a world of ice and fire. Will it be movie like ? Lets talk some thrones . In this video spoilers no leaks just my theory and analysis. i Tony Teflon will give you my predictions for the Game Of Thrones Prequel spin offs With no Sansa Daenerys Bran stark or Jon Snow will people still watch? This is my game of thrones news
Game of Thrones Conquest & Rebellion When we find out about thrones episodes and thrones cast members and game of thrones characters ill be on it so make sure you hit the bell and subscribe watch game of thrones online thrones cast
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  1. Off topic but tony do you think theres a chance the night king from the show might be the great other himself? Since the show version isn't in the books at all. And the show version seems to have abilities that none of his white walker boys have and he seems to outclass them in every way. Also dunno if this matters but he always seems to have more shiny and clear ice skin whilst the other white walkers have more bland ice skin.

  2. I think they're gonna do a spin off not necessarily tied to the Targaryens, probably something from A world of ice and fire, GRRM is gonna do something unlike GOT its gonna be to introduce you to something else or some other characters. He's not going to lessen the GOT franchise by giving you 1-5 plots and stories involving these same character families. I could even see it being another one of his novels not even ASOIF. But I think it'll be something based on another culture like Essos and The Free Cities not necessarily Westeros. People are going to be hyper critical if they do another Westeros story and it doesn't fair well against the GOT series.

  3. Ce qui me plairait :
    1 voir la Aegon's Conquest avec beaucoup de scènes de dragons, mais pas uniquement utilisés pour des batailles ; j'aimerais qu'ils nous fassent visiter Westeros vu du ciel
    2 voir l'histoire du Night's King : qui était-il ? comment a-t-il été capturé par les enfants de la forêt et transformé en Night's King ?
    Par contre, voici ce que je n'aimerais pas :
    1 la guerre de Robert Baratheon : ce serait du réchauffé, une histoire sans surprise dont on connait la fin
    2 les aventures de Dunk et l'oeuf : elles ont le don de me faire bailler.

  4. What they will do and if it will work, who knows, but my hopes…the last long night, followed by aegons conquest and maybe concurrently something like Nymeria or some Essos history and lore. That would line things up nicely too since they've already confirmed The Rise & Fall of Valeria

  5. Rogue Prince, Dance of dragons, and the new Fire n Blood book that goes thru Aegon III's reign would be a perfect movie trilogy. If they do it as a show (based on GOT) it wouldnt be ss good. they'd cut out too much. Example. Even tho the episode was dope, think about how much better Blackwater would've been if they did the naval battle and Tyrions chain. I could see them doing Dance and cutting out most of the child Targareon's and their dragons. Which would then lead them to cut out the battles. Based on the restraints of TV, Aegon's conquest would be the best show

  6. While I like the idea of GRRM working on Aegon's conquest, that seems like the first idea that would be developed. Ie. The idea has probably been taken by D&D. This late in the game, I would assume that Brian and George have to try pitching something many people wouldn't have thought of. Maybe the Andal Invasion or the war between the First Men and the Children of the Forest?

  7. I think they could do a history of the major houses. Stark History/First Men-Targaryen History with the Doom of Valyria-Night's King and his army/Children of the Forrest.
    Basically the show version of the the book, the World of Ice and Fire. That's my vote lol.

  8. They will most likely do stories on how the major houses of the seven Kingdoms began to rise…Baratheon, Lannister, Stark, Martel etc..this would allow them the epic adventures and storylines that work well for tv and not s lot of money to make.

  9. I think the best prequels would be the first Blackfyre Rebellion or just Dunk & Egg, even though there are no actual dragons. If they do Bloodraven right it's already a good enough reason to watch it.

  10. Bruh I'm calling it Rn. One of these series is gonna be about the targaeryan family from Aegon's conquest-Dance of the dragons Civil war. Also there is going to be another season/arc of the series which will go from Aegon III-Fire at Summerhaul.

  11. You can't do The Rise of Valyria because it won't be recognizable to Game of Thrones Fans. To A Song of Ice and Fire fans but not the show watchers only. As a fan of both I can't imagine a show build around GoT fame without Starks, Lannister and The Night Watch.

    Personally the story I wanted has been rejected (Robert's Rebellion) so I don't have a preference and will accept anything. As long as I get something.

  12. Tbh GOT has a lot of history so most of the stories from the past would be awesome to see but idk how exactly they would handle that and how far back they would go. I would definitely love to see Aegon's conquest.

  13. I'd love to see the rise of Aegon into power, the drama between him and his sister's and their offspring. Their wars and blah blah blah…the question is how many seasons can they stretch it out for? If they have a specific number in mind, great…r would even allow for some nonlinear storytelling, which feel may give the new spinoff a fresh way to be a little bit different from GoT without going away from what is likable and familiar with the show

  14. I would love to see The Long Night and how the Others first came to be..and how the Blood Emperor was maybe tied into all of that.. And I would really like to see a series about the people from The Shadow and how they taught the valyrians dragon lore.

  15. I gotta think that one of these has to be the Greyjoy Rebellion. They have referred to it like 3 times in the past 2 seasons and I think they show has talked about it more than the books. Just think we could see Eddard stark and Robert in their prime, Jorah and Thoros going through the breech at Pyke, Euron burning ships at fair isle, Stannis smashing the iron fleet, Theon being taken as a hostage.


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