Longer the wait, more are the chances of goof up. And when it comes to much-awaited and highly-hyped series Game of Thrones, fans are particularly worried about getting spoilers. The seventh season hit the internet, thanks to a leak.

That time HBO was confirmed that there was a “cyber security breach” in which its “programming” related to “proprietary information” has been stolen. Later, they make sure that the kind does not happen again. The speculations were rife that the show-runners would shoot for many endings of the show, so that even the cast and crew would know how the saga ends. But nothing seems to have done their favour.

According to a report by DNA, this time a Reddit user posted four pages of the show’s script from various episodes of the final season. One page from Episode 3, two from Episode 5, and one from Episode 6 is the count. However, no The official confirmation has come from the show-runners about this development.

Major spoiler forward, scroll down to your own risk.

Season 8 Episode 3

The page describes Tyrion, Arya, Sansa, Brienne, Podrick and the Hound racing away through a crowd of wights. The wagon filled with these characters is driven by the Hound.The wagon crashes and a Dothraki bloodrider, who has turned into a wight , latches on.According to the Redditor, we will have bid goodbye to Podrick.

Season 8 Episode 5

The two leaked pages from this episode description three scenes. First two are between Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister. The incestual duo argues the Red Keep at the throne room. Jéime Cersei convinced that Jon Snow is the enemy. His enemies are outside the city gate.Cersei is in no mood to listen and she rakes Jaime for leaving his time of need.



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