Game of Thrones ends, it will leave a void in the viewing schedules of hundreds of thousands of fans, but also in the lives of its cast members, some of whom have been with the show for nearly a decade. Take Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen). While filming the upcoming romantic comedy Last Christmas (more on that later), Clarke talked to NewsCabal about her experience:

It’s the grande finale. This is it. It’s over and I cried like a baby on the last day. I felt completely lost. It was very strange and wonderful to get this [Last Christmas]. This part couldn’t be more opposite, because dragons ain’t funny.

Oh, I dunno, there are times dragons can be funny:

Clarke’s comments fall in line with those made by other cast members, like Kit Harington, who described the end of filming as “quite emotional.” And Clarke wasn’t done:

Ten years is a long time. It’s like losing an actual limb. I was 22 — a child — when I first walked on the Game Of Thrones set. I grew up with [Daenerys]

But enough with the feelings; what can fans expect from Dany and company in season 8? All Clarke would say about the final act is that it’s “a real whopper, especially for Daenerys.” Between fighting the White Walkers and learning she slept with her nephew, we’d expect nothing less.

On the lighter side of things, Clarke is currently playing the role of Kate in Last Christmas. And yes, it is a movie inspired by the Wham! song.

Kate couldn’t be more different from Daenerys. “She’s always on her phone, always on Tinder, always getting drunk,” Clarke explained. Tyrion approves, although we’re guessing Kate’s onscreen mother, played by legendary actress Emma Thompson (who also wrote the movie) does not. Hopefully her romance with Tom (Henry Golding) doesn’t involve the same entanglements as Dany’s dalliance with Jon.

Last Christmas comes out November 15. So before Thanksgiving.

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Announcing WiC Club: the most exclusive club this side of the wall

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