New Game of Thrones Season 8 theory installment. Is Jon Snow Immortal?



  1. I think it’s to do with the balance of good and evil tbh jon and daenerys are symbol ice and fire and also the gods Put their bitter journey to suffer but in the end has to be sweet

  2. I dont think he at all is immortal 100%…that will be too cliche …40-50% immortal perhaps.He was brought back from the dead by the Lord of Light as his own champion and.for the purpose to defeat the NK in the final battle and dies heroically killing him into the end as Maximus in the Gladiator movie …And if he is proved immortal..he will give his immortality to Danny[if she dies before] and in their child in the purpose to they survive/live at the end Arwen did with Frodo in the first LOTR movie..after he got stabbed by the Nazgul lord…He doesnt want to be king of all or to continue a useless life without doing nothing siting on a chair ..His goal is to defeat the NK and to save humanity from the death and everyone who he loves[including Danny]..even and if that means his death into the battle..That why he said to Melisandre ''dont bring me back''..he doesnt afraid to die heroically or give his life for another person and in the show that will happen somehow i believe


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