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  1. Here's my Game of Thrones Season 8 Jaime Lannister video. He's been one of my favorite characters of the series. Post all your Jaime endgame theories in the comments! Posting new Rick and Morty and Game of Thrones next 🙂

  2. Can you do a video on secondary characters? Perhaps death predictions or who will get resolution? Gendry: Will we ever find out who sponsored Gendry all those years? Does he still have any role to play beyond smithing? (Like perhaps he marries Sansa for the Stark/Baratheon wedding she always dreamed about.) Theon: Do we see him again? Does his quest to save Yara intertwine with the Golden Company story line? Varys: What's he left to do? We know he dies. Jorah, Brienne, Pod, Braun, The Band of Brothers dude who keeps dying, etc..

  3. Damnit man there's nothing anywhere that says he was wearing Targeryen armor. He was a King's Guard. They wear White armor with a white cloak. They are not house hold guards. And even if he did wear that then, and again now… that would not be considered "Poetic" in any way. I don't think you understand what poetic means. Wouldn't even be ironic. Your assumption that he and Tyrion just nod and jump to work? Way off. Jamie has lived Cercei all his wretched life; they're twins, had children, and suddenly she's become enough of a monster he was forced to notice, nearly executed by her, and fled without resolution to her declarations that no one walks away from her! He's going to be shaken to his core, heartbroken, not cavalier. Also. Cercei won't let him go. Either there will assassins, or she'll force him to spy by holding and threatening Bron whom Jamie owes quite a lot, or something similar. That will get ugly. And I think she will kill him for daring to "Betray?" her, or she'll kill him to torment Tyrion. It will be Arya or Euron who kills Cersei. Or the hound. Little brother, but necessarily her little brother. It certainly won't be who she has expected. Think on it

  4. You're overlooking the rather obvious… assuming everyone is going to automatically trust Mr LANNISTER. They won't all just be awesome friends and Power Rangers together. Conflict first. He shoved 10 yr old Bran out a window. I know he's changed but Jon may not, nor Arya, the Northwrn Lords will have a fit!!!!!

  5. I don't think that anyone will be another lord commander after they defeated the night king. The wildlings are already beyond the wall and the wall has been broken partially so I don't see the point guarding it anymore

  6. Why you keep talking about who's going to lead the night's watch after the army of the dead is vanquished? What need will there be for night's watch if army of the dead is gone and wildings are befriended?

  7. If they destroy the army of the dead, what's the point of the Night's Watch? The Wall has already been breached, not like they can just fix it. And, with Jon being the rightful King (which I think he'll wind up being by the end) he's not going to insist on a barrier to keep the free folk out. He's already said in the show that they're no different and were just born on the wrong side. I say there will be no Night's Watch left in the end because their purpose will no longer exist. Of all the characters still living, Theon is the only one who knows that Jamie pushed Bran out of the window from the conversation everyone had at Winterfell before Caitlyn went to King's Landing. Who knows how the Stark kids are going to react to Jamie rolling up to Winterfell, especially with three eyed Bran actually being able to go back and see it. He's not going to make it out alive. Arya told us she's the executioner. She kills him, takes his face, and travels down to King's Landing with her favorite canine traveling companion. Even though the Mountain is on her list, she will let the Hound deal with his brother. And she will use Jamie's face to kill Cersci. And I almost think it could be poison, maybe she'll use the same thing that was used on Joffrey because she's still kind of pissed she didn't get to kill him herself. Using the strangler would give her the satisfaction of seeing how he died and would in a certain way complete the Valenquor.

  8. I want jamie to have a scene with Danny where he justifies what he did. Throws down the gauntlets and sticks to his "I did what's right" reasoning and then just have bran go you pushed me out a window and have the room just guffaw.

  9. Oooh I like your theory on Jaime's endgame. Let him take up the black, and serve as a commander. He's still a good fighter even with just one hand. I'm tired of watching his sick romance with Cercei and I think Brienne deserves better than Jamie.

  10. Lmao once wall falls what's the point of having LC or night watch.And wildlings are already kind of accepted there's no reason for Nights watch to function in the end unless pact between Living and dead is made and wall built to separate them which isn't happening.

  11. Really think it's gonna be Arya who kills Cersei. Jaime has never wanted to kill Cersei. Arya has had her name on her list forever. Remember the scene when she sleeping outside in the rain while waiting to be let into the House of Black & White? Watch that scene and listen to the way she repeats Cersei's name. Arya is gonna get her.

  12. Charlie got not end-of-story love for poor Brienne. Either Jaime dies in her arms, or he goes to the Night's Watch. Either way, no happy ending for Brienne with Jaime in Charlie's world. That's cold.

  13. Ok, so I believe that Jamie is never going to make it to Winterfell. I think he will be captured somewhere along the way and taken back to King's Landing to answer for his treason. I think he will be shamed through the streets and ultimately executed by the Mountain. There were multiple hints to this throughout season 7 from multiple different people.

  14. With all the characters heading full circle, what are your thoughts on Sansa ending up with/loving Tyrion? Remember, she is a "slow learner" and he believes their marriage was "a shame!"


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