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  1. Here's my new Game Of Thrones Season 8 Q&A. My weekly Q&As will probably get more specific based on the bonus videos we do each week, so leave all your requests. New Game Of Thrones posting later this week 🙂

  2. Do u think Jon is going to die? Do u think Daenarys is going to die too? I feel like one will even though GRRM said that this totally was a story about them…also the Azor theory floating around as well…

  3. In GRRM's original treatment with the Tyrion, John, Arya triangle, Sansa was supposed to marry Geoffrey and have a child with him. This was supposed to force her to support his interests to protect her child. GRRM ended up abandoning those story lines.

  4. Have I missed something? Why are you assuming the discovery that D & J are related will drive them apart? They are royalty. What's new about cousins marrying one another amongst royalty? Especially when they are the only ones left of their line…

  5. No offense but the idea that Jon or Dany will be put off because of incest is laughable and makes me question anything you say about the series. The Targaryens dynasty was built on incest, her parents and grandparents were brother and sister. She expected to marry Rhaegar's son and then Viserys. The founder of the dynasty had a polygamist marriage with two of his sisters. The Starks had uncle and niece marriages, cousins married, Westeros was built on incest. Any conflict over incest on the show will be done to make the casual audience okay with the relationship.

    The same with Nettles, there's no proof she didn't have Targaryen blood. Rhaenyra had too many dragons and not enough riders. They were looking for Dragonseeds, people who had drops of Targ blood.

  6. Do you think that Little Finger knew about Jon's parentage? I remember him mentioning something about a harp being more powerful than a sword and also the look on his face when he and Sansa were talking about "…how many people had to die because Rhaegar chose your aunt..". I wish he hadn't died before we knew what he knew.

  7. Do you think once Jon's parentage will be revealed, Robb legitimizing Jon will surface? Maybe by a vision from bran. It could appear again in future books and it maybe some plot point from GRRM.

  8. I don't necessarily ship this, but Arya and Gendry can get married and live in a castle without Arya turning into Cat. I could see her emulating Brienne, especially if they're instituting a NWO.

  9. Nice video, however I'd just like to add up on the 2nd question regarding Maester Aemon. I'm certain he knew about Jon Snow being a Targaryen. He was a Maester and the marriage was recorded and stored in the citadel. He must have come across it or gotten to know in another way.

    In the scene where he reveals his identity to Jon, he talks about Ned Stark and not long later, says "If the day should ever come when your Lord father was forced to choose between honor on the one hand and those he loves on the other, what would he do?"

    He also says "What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms, or a brother's smile?"

    He knew alright.

  10. Hey Emergency Awesome, not sure if this has been discused yet but, I think Jon and Danny will get over the initial shock of being related, keep it a secret except for a few ppl within their inner circles, get married, have children, rule the kingdom, blah, blah, blah. What do you think?

  11. What you mean both will pull away from each other? So the love story that has barely started is gonna end just like that? Why they bothered to introduce jonerys at all then

  12. Hi, I have question for season 7. If possible please give an explanation. When you take season seven, I think in actual timing it would have been more than six months. My question is why the army of the dead march is very slow ? In fact the dead do not sleep or eat. Jon came to Dragon Stone and then went beyond the wall and came to Dragon Stone and now going back north. But the army of the dead is still at the wall. Why are they that slow ?


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