Game of Thrones Season 8 will feature the long await Long Night aka The Great War between the living and the dead. White Walkers can be killed using Valyrian Steel and Dragonglass. Wights are weak to fire and Dragonglass but after season 7 it seems Valyrian Steel can also kill them.

In this video I discuss my theory that Jon Snow is able to kill Wights raised by the The White Walkers/The Night King because he is a Fire Wight raised by The Lord of Light.

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  1. Jon wasn't brought back from the dead when he killed the 1st Wight at Hearthome. But he is part Targaryan, which means he does have fire in him. It's probably why the lord of light (fire) resurrected him. And also another reason why he is able to kill the Wights. There is so much emphasis on Valyrian steel that i do believe it can kill Wights. Just maybe not the Knight King. Unless you are blessed with fire.

  2. Its sounds nice..but i dont think that Lightbringer will be a literal sword..Jon is already Lightbringer [ due to Rhaegars obsession with the AA prophesy]…..He,Danny[AA] and their possible child[prince/ess that was promised]will be the 3 dragon head who will defeat the NK/Cercei/Euron[the 3 faces of the Great Other] and may die……..and their child might be the King/Queen in the end of the story…fuffiling that bittersweet end.

  3. Well, we saw the Army of the Dead go down when their Wight (White) , got struck down, so maybe they are impossible to kill UNLESS you strike the Wight?
    If Jon isn't technically alive, there would be no way he could then impart life; i.e. , impregnate Daenerys, which everyone seems so keen on happening.
    I think a LOT of what GRRM put intot he books has been changed by D&D, possibly, including this.

  4. My weirdest theory is Jon does something stupid to protect his family and is just shockingly murdered again in the Ned style but just doesn’t come back end of just like Ned. Hope not but …


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