You may be screaming at the TV like a Wildling when the credits roll on the last episode of GOT (Picture: HBO)

Some fans fear that Game of Thrones season eight is set to be a let-down.

And it seems that the show’s leading man agrees that it won’t be what everyone wants, as Kit Harington admitted it’s been a ‘difficult thing’ to end.

The 31-year-old Jon Snow actor has finished up filming on the show and it seems that the big finale for Westeros is set to be decisive – and it’s the show’s fault for being so popular and compelling.

‘I think a TV series that’s spanned eight, nine years is an incredibly difficult thing to end,’ he told MTV News.

Why? ‘Cause Kit Harinton says so! (Picture: Emma McIntyre/Getty Images))

‘I think not everyone’s going to be happy, you know, and you can’t please everyone.’

And it seems as though it is set to go down in TV history as one of those ‘how could they?!’ moments, as he tellingly added: ‘My favourite TV shows are Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and The Wire, and they all ended in a way that didn’t satisfy you.’

So there you go… it may just be that you’re pulling your hair out at the end of that final jaunt through The Seven Kingdoms.

‘I think not everyone’s going to be happy, you know, and you can’t please everyone,’ the actor said recently  (Picture: Rex Features)

However, this could all change as it seems there are going to be some revisions ahead, as he said he’s under strict orders to keep himself and his facial hair intact.

According to the actor he’s desperate for a shave but he’s holding on for the greenlight from HBO, just in case Jon is needed for a re-shoot.

‘We just finished filming. You can’t tell because I look exactly the same. They own me; they’ve just kept me like this,’ he told Entertainment Weekly. ‘When I shave, I look like a tired child.’

So that means that there could be some changed to the end product before we even get a hint of what’s going on.

MORE: Kit Harington hints Game of Thrones might not be over for Jon Snow just yet

MORE: Kit Harington hints Game of Thrones might not be over for Jon Snow just yet



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