Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 8 update video. In this video I discuss the most recent “Plot Leak” and a few other new details about the final season. I am not sure how true this leak is but after you check it out let me know what you think. There are a few links down below for anyone who wants to see the 4 pages of the script for themselves. The new giveaway link is down below as well. Thanks for stopping by!

Images & video clips from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

Enter the new giveaway here

Read the leaked pages here

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Outro Music: Light of the Seven Remix

Intro voice by The Walking David



  1. Maybe Jon, Dany, Jaime and the others are in KL to try to evacuate as much of the population as they can because they know the NK is going to attack the city and kill everyone. When the NK arrives at KL and finds the city mostly abandoned he will be so enraged that he will use Viserion to destroy the city.

  2. 1st off, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Secondly, wouldn't it be sweet if Sam spills the beans about Jon being Aegon and Jon saying well, too late because i've already bent the knee and Dany saying hold up, yeah you bent the knee, now so will I and she kneels and asks Jon to marry her?

  3. Hey I was thinking about game of thrones ending. They say it's will be a bitter sweet ending. I think Daenerys might have to marry the night king…. like the the last night Watch king did. He married a night walker girl to keep the peace.. and also makes sense about ice and fire coming together…

  4. Quick question do you think cercei could be guidrys real mom ? Season one she said she birthed a dark hair son that she thought he died but Really all she knows is he was taken out of the room and she never saw him again… What do you think

  5. Not sure about the possible leaked script pages but the tidbits from the drunk friend seems more interesting to me. Maybe because a lot of those tidbits lines up with what I've been thinking will happen.


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