With rumors flying around everywhere about the season 8 script leaks, I thought I would make a video on my own thoughts. Leave your thoughts down in the comment section. Thank you for stopping by and watching my video!

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  1. I just wanted to ask the fake news people- can you explain to me why did Arya learn those skills? Just to kill Cersei and watch the fight? What about Craster's babies who turned into white walkers? Doesnt young sam have any role in stopping them? When will Bran fly? No mention of Ellaria Sand in dungeons? Faceless men just kill people in Essos and have no part to protect the realm against white walkers??? If Bran could go and influence past, why isnt he doing something???

  2. After the tragedy that was S7, I can't help but believe SOME of these things are gonna happen. We all thought those leaked S7 scripts were fake and it turned out, while there was an actually real one, even some of the fake ones had some truth to them. For instance, Jon reinforcing the fact that Robert is dead DOES make sense, as Ned was hiding him from the King this whole time and most likely told Howland how bad Robert's wrath would be if he knew the truth. And seeing as Ned is a pillar in the North and someone Howland greatly admired, I'm sure he took the promise not to say anything very seriously. Ned didn't even tell his own wife because he didn't trust anyone, so imagine how an honorable person like Howland Reed would react to Jon and Bran's interrogation. If Ned hadn't trusted them with the truth than why should he? Howland was probably just being super cautious until Jon made him realize there was no longer a need to keep it. Idk, I'm not gonna get my hopes up for some amazing ending. Hopefully GRRM finishes the series before I die.

  3. I think this time around HBO purposely released fake scripts for season 8. I think this will be the most guarded season of all being the final season and all and that more fake scripts will be released as time goes on so that even if the real script does get leaked, no one will know which one is the real one and which ones are fake. It does make for good theory though and I do think some things in this fake script will happen, maybe just not in the exact episode or in the exact way it is said to happen.

  4. I'm not sure about the script, but the argument given here doesn't really hold water. All the parts that are said "makes no sense" all make sense. This explanations here sound more like he doesn't want to believe it, and so he shoehorn all the disbelief to fit this. They can't kill that many people in one episode /the way they are said to die makes no sense, and all the rest really isn't convincing,at all.
    He says questions motivations,all of which sound very possible. I don't think it's real (at least I hope not), but nothing I've seen in this video is persuasive, at all. These points are all really half assed. I really don't know why you think the things mentioned can't happen. Did you SEE season 7??? it was littered with things that made no sense.
    I was absolutely positive that the season 7 leaks were fake, but they all turned out ti be 100%correct, so I don't dismiss these alleged leaks in the same way I did for season 2-6. I dint know why I watch these, season 7 was bad enough, but knowing everything took out any surprise.

  5. the funny thing is it you remember she the season 7 leaks came out almost a year before the show did they ended up being about %90 true and thus these will be u fortunately about %90 true. Plus these leaks actually make sense and are way too unidealistic to be fan fiction.

  6. Question: I have a theory of what the knight king is after. And it involves him finally dieing. Assuming he holds a grudge against the children of the forest changing him, and to undo it all the children of the forest must die, what if that's the point of him invading anyway? He's invading to kill them all off so he can finally die.

  7. Don't be so quick to admonish these leaks. Honestly I think they are pretty close to being accurate. Season 6 scripts "leaked" around this time of year, a lot of people were sceptical, yet apart from it saying Wun Wun survived the Battle of the Bastards, all the leak was accurate. Likewise season 7 leaked around this time last year (actually maybe it was closer October/November but still), and other than saying that Cersei's miscarriage would be addressed in the finale it was accurate. Likewise the script leaks were lambasted, the Jon/Dany scenes were mocked and the sex scene was practically dismissed immediately as fanfic. The idea of Beric and Tormund surviving the season and Thoros being "the big death" in episode 6 were ridiculed. Yet all of that came true. So honestly don't be quick to dismiss it, I genuinely think that the bulk of this could well be true, and I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if this was almost entirely accurate. I only remember all this because yes I am one of the weak willed souls that scrutinises all these early script leaks each of the past 3 seasons, and watches as the inevitable lambasting from the fans take place, then the dismissive cries of "fanfiction!" and then watch as the majority of them have unfolded accurately over the past few seasons. Yes there's often confusion over initial scripts, (The Ice Dragon, and Knight King taking down the wall scene was originally mooted for the season 6 finale), but after the first dust has settled, generally these more fully formed and detailed scripts have (as history has shown) tended to be the accurate and complete script for the upcoming season. In general this script makes sense, the direction the show has been going in, cleaning house of the vast majority of secondary and main characters, and also tying up the loose ends of the story. Gendry and Sansa makes sense, she has been built up to finale have a nice man around her age as a love interest (the Goldilocks theorem), and those of you slating the Dany death, history repeats itself. That is a lesson the show and cinema and literature in general teaches us. It's one of the oldest literary and cinematic devices in the book designed to set up climaxes. Dany dying in childbirth just as Jon's mother did is such a tragically poetic way to go. Jon being saved by a knife in the back by an ally like his father was is again history repeating itself. And Jamie having to kill another mad kind by stabbing them in the back is history repeating itself again. Targaryans hooking up and having children is history repeating itself. For those clamouring at Cersei dying to Arya and not a "little brother" need I remind you of the inaccuracy of prophecies, and the gender fluid nature of some of them (See the prince who was promised), That Melisandre's prophecies have consistently been wrong should show you that it wouldn't necessarily be a little brother and that in fact a little sister may be the one to do it. Though in all honesty, Arya has been mistaken for a boy that many times she might as well be a little brother. TV uses foreshadowing as well, and some are paid off in this script. That the Vale is where the WW are maintains the invulnerability of the Vale that we keep hearing about (The bloody gate has never been taken). The wildfire reserves under the city has been touted since season 2 and 5. The elephant scene outside the kings gate was set up by Cersei mentioning the elephants in the season 7 finale. Ghost dying off early was set up by the CGI team's ridiculous policy for the last 3 seasons of prioritising dragon and such over any Direwolves. So yeah my point is this; that I believe much like in previous years this script will be close to what the season will look like. It achieves all the goals the final season would have, it pays off setups, and falls in line with GRRM's comments about the ending. It also ties up all loose ends to varying degrees and ends things with a bang. All in all, come fall 2018 or spring 2019 whenever it airs, I think you'll come to see that the early script leaks weren't so far from the truth after all. I'm not saying there aren't problems with the script as a whole, and that there won't be some inaccuracies, but on the whole this is the road map for the season I believe.
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  8. I do think that a couple parts of these fake scripts will surprisingly match with what is yet to happen. Like Jon starting to behave weirdly on Daenerys after finding out about his parentage, or Her being examined by a Maester due her "pregnancy symptoms", all of it because is kind of obvious. By the other hand, Dany's childbirth death could happen almost as described BUT Jon could be the one who kills her afterwards, knowing that she's already dying and by killing her, he'll be holding Light Bringer. However, things like Euron Greyjoy being the last enemy to defeat instead of the Night King, or a whole bunch of great characters (including the main one) killed by wildfire, ignited underground (only GOD would know HOW) gives me goosebumps… in a really bad way…

  9. Nikolaj Coster Waldau (Jamie Lannister) for Esquire:

    "The fear is that I would be turned into one of those undead. That would suck. You know some of the main characters are going to get turned. There are going to be some blue-eyed main characters running around. And, god, I hope it's not me. That's three hours of make-up in the morning. I know that if David Benioff and Dan Weiss read this, they'll go, "Oh, yes we will."

    So, he says that in Season 8 some of main characters will become wights.
    How come this "awesome script leak" has nothing about it? And this is not unimportant detail.

  10. This leak has this – Episode 2, Scene 3
    "Qyburn enters Cersei’s chambers. He mentions that she hasn’t spoken about her miscarriage anymore and that she needs to take enough time to rest. Cersei answers that there’s no time for that and doesn’t want to say more about the miscarriage. Qyburn leaves her chambers, Cersei watches from her window, witnessing how the snow falls in King’s Landing."
    based on a leak for Season 7, Episode 7 from October 2016:
    "Cersei awakens in a bed soaked with blood. The general consensus is that she miscarries."

    Now we know that Cersei had no miscarriage in last episode of Season 7, this leak for Season 8 does not mention miscarriage in plot for episode 1 – so this scene between Qyburn and Cersei was written based on script leak for Season 7.

    But this leak for Season 8 has this – Episode 1, Scene 3:
    Scene 3
    "Euron Greyjoy arrives back in King’s Landing with the Golden Company and meets up with Cersei Lannister and the commanders of the Golden Company in the Throne Room (…) Later that night, Euron Greyjoy is about to have sex with Cersei Lannister. Euron jokes that she won’t miss her brother after she finds out what he can give her. Cersei’s face says enough. She isn’t too pleased with Euron in her bed. Possible nudity to be seen here."

    Now, in Episode 1 of Season 8 Cersei will still be pregnant, there was no miscarriage in finale of Season 7 and for her being pregnant in her 40s (yes, in TV show it is mentioned that Jamie is 40 yrs old so she as his twin is of same age) and having sex with a psycho like Euron is not the smartest choice, Cersei will do everything to keep that pregnancy. Plus, if she has a miscarriage early in episode1 of Season 8 what are the chances she will hop in the bed with Euron probably days after she miscarries?

    This is another detail proving that this "leak" is very very dubious but those who get off on explosions, characters dying in masses and gore details want this to be real no matter what.

  11. They are real here's why:
    The leaked scripts contained 2 details that no-one knew until the last episode of season 7 aired as these 2 details weren't in any of the season 7 leaks. Theses 2 details are: That Tormund and Berick would be in Castle Black at the start of the season. If fake how could they have known Tormund and Berick would be stuck on top of the wall at the end of season and likely to be headed for Castle Black, this wasn't part of any of the season 7 leaks. Also the Season 8 leaks have the Hound coming to kill the Mountain. They couldn't have known that the Hound tell The Mountain in the finale of Season 7 that he's coming for him. Cleganebowl was pretty much off the table until the ep. aired as this wasn't part of any season 7 leaks either. Also the leaks came out midway through the airing of season 7 and now we know they don't conflict with any of it. They are real.

  12. Ok this does sound fake. But then again S7 was leaked so who knows at this point only time will tell. Or maybe hbo hired people to write these bullshit leaks to get people off scent

  13. Well let's not forget what Kit Harrington said. They purposely leaked bogus scripts to throw viewers off for Season 8. He said you won't know which part is true and he said what he can say is true is that there will be a lot of major characters dead in Season 8

  14. I completely agree that they are fake, their are a lot of people who believe this fanfiction and I'm like their are a lot of stuff that don't make sense like jon and Daenerys the two main characters dying in ridiculous and tragic ways, if they were to die they have to do something heroic

  15. It might be fake on some things but Jon is working with cersei, or at least they believe so. didn't you see episode 7 S7? yeah she lied but she agreed to help them out with the dead army.

  16. I agree they are fake. There is an entire page on youtube here and on 4chan dedicated to "alpha male Euron Greyjoy", and his "silencer of cucks". And since these supposed leaks make him out to be a god like figure it seems obvious where they originate from. If a character with about 25 minutes of screen time introduced with less than 20 episodes left in the series is the ultimate victor and destroyer of all than this is the single biggest waste of time in television history. It also invalidates GRRM's claim of "bittersweet". What's sweet? It's nihilistic x 10000.

  17. I totally agree with you on this, except for one speculation. I think Dany would be fine with the incest thing, being brought up in it or not. Her parents were brother and sister after all.


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