Is Cersei set for another walk of shame as Game Of Thrones brings back naked body double?
Lena Headey’s Game Of Thrones body double is back on set (Picture: HBO/YouTube)

Cersei could be set for another walk of shame on Game Of Thrones as star Lena Headey’s naked body double from season 7 is apparently back at work on the final run of the hit HBO show.

Rebecca Van Cleave stood in for Headey during Cersei Lannister’s walk of shame scene, when she was made to walk naked through the streets of King’s Landing after confessing to adultery with her cousin Lancel.

GOT news site Winter Is Coming reports that Van Cleave was on set in Belfast for at least three days last week.

A recent Instagram post from Rebecca seems to back this up, in which she says she was ‘bundled up in a tent…doing what I love with some of the best actors and crew in the world’.

Rebecca said: ‘In my adult life, I can think of 3 massive moments where everything changed.

One involved a car crash, another was the day I met my husband to be, and the third happened 6 years ago today when I flew across the Atlantic with dreams and hopes and a clean slate.

‘Never in my wildest could I have imagined all of the adventure that would await me. I can’t believe it’s been 6 years. I can’t believe how much has happened and how much moving here has shaped me. Highs, lows, and everything in between. Stepping on that plane was the best decision I ever made.

In my adult life, I can think of 3 massive moments where everything changed. One involved a car crash, another was the day I met my husband to be, and the third happened 6 years ago today when I flew across the Atlantic with dreams and hopes and a clean slate. . Never in my wildest could I have imagined all of the adventure that would await me. I can’t believe it’s been 6 years. I can’t believe how much has happened and how much moving here has shaped me. Highs, lows, and everything in between. Stepping on that plane was the best decision I ever made. . 6 years later, I am looking worse for wear, greasy, tangled, and bundled up in an easy-up tent in a snowy land far away, but feeling on top of the world. Today, I am doing what I love with some of the best actors and crew in the world. Today has been magic. . Follow your heart and never give up on your dreams or yourself. You never know what’s just around the corner. . Happy Anniversary UK. Love you forever.

A post shared by Rebecca Van Cleave (@rebeccajoean) on

‘6 years later, I am looking worse for wear, greasy, tangled, and bundled up in an easy-up tent in a snowy land far away, but feeling on top of the world. Today, I am doing what I love with some of the best actors and crew in the world. Today has been magic.

‘Follow your heart and never give up on your dreams or yourself. You never know what’s just around the corner.’

Van Cleave previously told Entertainment Weekly that getting naked for the scene was ‘one of the scariest, most wonderful, most gratifying experiences I could have imagined’.

‘I never in a million years would have thought I would be in Dubrovnik surrounded by hundreds of extras and crew members throwing food at me, but it was amazing,’ she added.

So will Cersei be forced to strip off again in the final season? Or is Van Cleave standing in for someone else entirely?

Or maybe she will be fully clothed and playing a completely new character, all her own.

Game Of Thrones is set to return in 2019.

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