In this brief video I give my opinion on the most recent Game of Thrones season 8 news from “Watchers on the Wall”.Today I talk about two major action sequences in Winterfell and Kings Landing with dragons and white walkers.

Let me know your opinion in the comments down below 🙂

Watchers on the Wall:



  1. I think it wont be denearys but euron who attacks especially since he has the money to buy golden company as well as cersie no longer has her brother to protect her… yes winterfell would fall and the people would b on a run but now sandwiched between euron and night kings army.

  2. I thought the Golden Company was started by a Targaryean (Blackfyre) and therefore they usually support Targaryen Thrones? Secondly, I think they should have archers shooting dragonglass lined arrows. I would had Jaime bring some that infamous liquid fire from Kings Landing and set fire around Winterfell so they could not pass

  3. Great video as always. I wanted to ask if you seen Talking Thrones "possible" leaked plot? As you may know, he doesn't post or back any leaked plots unless he believes it to be more true than not. Anyways, I was wondering your thought on it, IF you have seen it. If not, then I would suggest you give it a listen, because it is worth it. Then whenever you do hear it(if you haven't) let me/us know YOUR thoughts as well. I can definitely say I have NOT heard a version like that and I did like it, for the most part. He uploaded it on Thanksgiving or close to it. I hope to hear a response of your thoughts. Take care.

  4. Hi Max,
    Good video. It could go either way but I am now inclined to think that the whitewalkers/night king will attack Winterfell and then go to the GodsEye. I think Daenerys will be the one to attack King's Landing (before I thought it was 50/50 between her and the Night King doing the attacking but after seeing your video, I tend to agree with you as to the sequence).

    When I saw your video it made me think of the recent spoiler video Thrones Talk put out (someone had emailed him information about the season 8 plot). Whilst I still believe it's fan fiction (mainly because no one else that i know of has picked it up and discussed it), it does re-iterate the same sentiment as in this video – namely that the Night King will attack Winterfell, Cersie will send the Golden Company to attack Jon/Dany, Dany will fly to King's Landing and start burning the Red Keep/Kings Landing area and try and kill Cersie.

    Anyway keep it coming as we need something to keep us going in the off-season.
    I don't know about the rest of your GOT followers but personally I don't mind spoilers as long as they are true or its a genuine attempt – I hate the deceptive fan fiction stuff i.e the "peddlers of bullshit" – keep it real.


  5. The recent set pics of Winterfell show a large amount of snow on the ground and in drifts against the exterior walls. I think this agrees with a NK attack, though the trebuchet concerns me. Can we tell if they are aimed towards or away from Winterfell? If it's towards, then it can't be the NK. I'd think the NK would easily get there first and little would be left for the GC to lay siege to in the aftermath.

  6. I don't care who kills Cersi…I just want to see it soon…….As she once said , power is power and I think that foreshadows Targarian power….I hope. Also to quote Varys (I think ) power resides where men think it resides….more foreshadowing?☺…What do you think ? Great video as always!

  7. You suggested that King's Landing could be burned by red flame or blue flame, but what about green flame – i.e. wildfire? I'd say that's just as likely, given Cersei's trajectory as the Mad Queen and penchant for using wildfire on her enemies…


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