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Season 8 Finale Theories Explained!


Grand Maester Theory Season 8

Tyrion’s Betrayal Theory!

Arya Theory EVERYONE Missed!

Season 8 “Plot Leak” Part 1

Season 8 Plot Leak Part 2

Season 8 Plot Leak Part 3

➤Daenerys Jon Snow➤ Night King ➤House Targaryen➤Game of Thrones Season 8
The Wolf and The Dragon➤Season 8 Game Of Thrones Breakdown➤Game Of Thrones Season 8 Explained➤The Wolf and The Dragon

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  1. Mark this was so awesome, Dude! The Three Game of Throners! I remember Kyle when he was, " Kyle's Fookin' Chickens!" Also familiar with Robert from 'In Deep Geek' Yeah, I was late signing on! You got me, I had it coming! The bantering between you 3, was super sonic cool! Really good job!

  2. Sorry, I missed you guys live! I obviously subscribe to all of you. 😉 Although if Kyle doesn't quit saying Dany is gonna die, It may not be all 3 much longer. LOL!! JUST KIDDING. I do realize most people think Dany will die. I just really don't want her to die so therefore, I don't think she will.😏
    Dany only wants what she thinks she deserves. Can you imagine what it would be like to have never had a home or family? Having been told her whole life what is hers, which is Westeros. She doesn't think her ultimate dream of a child, a home, could ever come true. So she will definitely change due to this pregnancy. I don't mean to sound sexist but as a woman I feel it's safe to say, as women we want family and career, but if a career would make us choose, we would always choose family(our children) everytime. We saw some of that person Dany could be while she was pregnant and happy with Drogo. She felt at home, excited about the life stirring inside of her. I honestly think we will see the softer side of Dany but also a fierce protector of her new family. Jon's mom died in childbirth, Danys mom died in childbirth, so nothing would be as cliche as Dany dying in childbirth. After all Dany has been through to have her die in childbirth just feels completely wrong. Omg…Sansa will not marry Tyrion, again. The ONLY way that would happen is that Sansa ends this completely broken. Sansa will rule on her own. I think they are doing a great Job of setting her up as a Queen Victoria type character. Tyrion will not be King. It would be unrealistic, in my humble opinion. Life in Westeros will NOT change overnight. The prejudice will take generation's to weave out. A ruler, even a democratic ruler, will need to be physically powerful. So for a realistic ending, Tyrion will not or ever will be, King. Hand of the queen, yes. Part of a council that governs Westeros, absolutely, just not King. I beginning to think they are just going to turn everyone into the army of the dead and the damn end will be the NK on the stupid throne. I definitely don't see any ending that won't tear apart fan's. Everyone feels so strongly about their favorite characters. I have different favorite characters for the books and the tv show. Because they are vastly different stories. I personally love the way the books have been adapted. Maybe it's because I read them after I watched the tv show. My perspective of the books could be askew due to that. Everyone definitely has their own ending they feel strongly about. That's probably why they are making us wait so long. So we can all have a good long time to think about every possible ending so at the real end we will just be glad we know and don't have to wait any longer for the ending. 😏🏰

  3. I'll tell you, I can't even begin to think who will be in the throne. I think the possibly of no throne is what will happen. Then every kingdom for itself. I'm pretty sure I've heard that in a future spoiler and a past part of old westeros history. However, it's like the government and the people it serves to need a leader then keep battling for the power.. So it'll be interesting to see how the wheel gets broken or if human nature will try to keep it going.

  4. Great live stream!
    17:34 Want to mentoin about Tyrion as a king could be foreshadowed in the tv series as well in the last scene in "Blackwater" when he was attacked and seriously wounded. As he looses consciousness Cersei's monolog to Tommen goes as followed:
    "You are a lion, my son. You mustn't be afraid. For one day, all the beasts will bow to you. You will be king. All the stags will bow. All the wolves will bow. The bears in the north and the foxes of the south, all the birds in the sky and the beasts in the sea, they will all come to you, *little lion*, to rest a crown upon your head. And the cub said, "Will I be strong and fierce like my father?" "Yes," said his mother. "You will be strong and fierce just like your father."

    The symbols of the houses that are mentoined here (Mormont, Florent, Arryn, Greyjoy) were in open rebellion or don't took much part in the War of the Five Kings or when Tommen was crowned king.

    It's also noteable, that Tyrion & Sansa both had important roles in the same battle.

    20:40 An open ending like that I can see definitely. The last scene could be the Iron Throne covered in snow. Better would be a short aftermeath for the characters not want that damn chair anylonger or something like that.


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