Game of Thrones Season 8 Predictions Q&A – Live Show!
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Game of Thrones Season 8 Predictions Live Stream Q&A. Game Of Thrones Season 7 is over, lets move on and enjoy speculating on what happens in Game Of Thrones season 8! #Winterishere

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  1. I recently realized something I hadn't thought about before. Melisandre misinterpreted the signs from the Lord of Light from the beginning. She was always seeming Jon in the flames.

    She knew that "King's Blood" must be sacrificed. She put leeches on Gendry due to her visions. She was going to kill Gendry because of his blood. Since she couldn't kill him, she killed Shireen. Before that she killed Renly. If the Baratheon King's blood was needed, then the death of Robert Baratheon should have been enough.

    She was always seeming Jon's death and rebirth in the fire. Jon's stab wounds look just like leeches. He needed to die so that his vow would be completed not broken. 😱

    She was so focused on it being Stannis that she missed what the Lord of Light was practically screaming at her…… 😒

  2. I recently realized something I hadn't thought about before. Melisandre misinterpreted the signs from the Lord of Light from the beginning. She was always seeming Jon in the flames.

    She knew that "King's Blood" must be sacrificed. She put leeches on Gendry due to her visions. She was going to kill Gendry because of his blood. Since she couldn't kill him, she killed Shireen. Before that she killed Renly. If the Baratheon King's blood was needed, then the death of Robert Baratheon should have been enough.

    She was always seeming Jon's death and rebirth in the fire. Jon's stab wounds look just like leeches. He needed to die so that his vow would be completed not broken. 😱

    She was so focused on it being Stannis that she missed what the Lord of Light was practically screaming at her…… 😒

  3. Have you noticed how all the "Great Houses" are all disappearing and all their male heirs are dead or bastards. Starks have no males, Lannisters only have Tyrion, Baratheons wiped out, Tyrell's gone, Boltons, Martells, Freys, Grayjoys only have Euron, etc…..

  4. You know what prequel I would like to see more then anything? I would like for them to go back thousands of years to the First Men and Children of the Forest, and then to when the Andals came. I so hope they make that!

  5. The true "other", the force behind the Night King and his walkers and wights, is the spirit of Bran Stark's legs. The show will end in a climactic, comedic slapstick battle between Bran's upper body and his lower body.

  6. If Edmuir does come back, he'll probably just say that Walder let him go. I'm not sure that Arya would reveal her new skills to an uncle she barely knew, by breaking him out of jail and showing him a hall full of dead Freys. So, she'd prolly release him as Walder Frey.

  7. Always great to see these podcasts when working, being able to just listen to great fun chatter and GoT theories and such.
    Someone made some really cool new suggestion in the comment section of one of your previous video's, wich would fit perfectly when thinking about it.
    They said "When Bran moved trough the wall, the magical barrier preventing the White Walkers from passing faided" as it did in Bloodravens cavern. They only had to physically move passed it and that is what they did after obtaining Viserion.
    Nightking broke the wall down so his army could move south.

    When Benjen explained to Bran that he could not pass because of the magic, the magic was still up. But he said the same to Jonn? Atleast i couldnt hear what he said but from what i understand what other people told about that scene, he said to Jonn, he cannot pass. This would not fit for this theory, because the magic would have been down.
    It also leaves open for speculation to what if someone just had dragged Benjen trough the wall, or would he have shattered like when the skeleton entered the cave or so.
    I'm rewatching HBO's True Blood, a cool silly vampire show and that show just has holes in their mechanics aswell lol… so yeah we should considered that holes in mechanics, plots and dialogs just can happen.

  8. there is no secret.  the reason NK Danny Cersei are doing what they do is cause kings landing is where you protect your kinds future te best…NK lost babies needed to guarantee his culture didn't stop expanding…danny is going to kings landing to get back the place her people made so they could protect their way of life and make sure that it didn't lose the way they wanted it to be…cersei is down to almost extinction for her kind and kings landing is last place left that she can protect her lineage…jon snow isn't good cause he wants to be its cause he doesn't need to be his histpry and culture for any stark is protected since winterfell is their location that they protect use to protect their way of life.   However when jon finds out that his culture no longer is guaranteed to survive since its not stark iim sure his attitude towards taking back his families home in kings landing will also become the same as danny.  NK lost his male babies so where do u go when u r desperate to continue ur race in GoT kings landing same place everyone does cause supply of possible future walkers is all packed and in one place just like if u want to make a bunch of targaryans or barathians or lannisters u go get the most woman pregnant and most bitches looking to have a royal baby are in kings landing

  9. Interesting how the "original" Night King was first created by a female.. Its also mentioned a couple times in the show that a king needs a queen. I feel like this and or Jon has to have something to do with the Night Kings goals. Hell maybe there is a female Walker we havent seen yet, doubt it but who knows. Also i feel like the children had something to do with the Doom of Valyria. Its known they have some power over the elements, they broke the arm of Dorne among other things and have greensight which may have caused them to do something in anticipation of something else. They could of sent that dream to Danys in order to get certain people to leave Valyria possibly even to tame/conquer the pain in the ass squabbling houses of Westeros.

  10. I'm sorry that I missed you guys yesterday. Speaking about the night king . . . I think he is in control. I think he sent visions to the Hound and the rest of the banner to go to the wall. In episode 7, the Knight king allowed Gentry (i know I spelled his name wrong) to run to the wall. It would be easy for the Knight King to send a platoon out after him. Knight King choose to have his army surround Jon and his men. The white walkers and their army just stood there and waited. That's what it looked like to me. Knight King wanted one of those dragons and he wanted one of his soldiers to be transported to Kings Landing. I believed that he knew when Dany would come with her Dragons. That's why he had spears ready to bring down one of the dragons or two. Knight King was just too calm and collective.
    Now that they have one of the solders made it to Kings Landing, this opened the door to let the Knight King bring his army further down South.
    I believe the Knight King set them all up by sending messages in dreams or sending visions through the flames. Thoros, Beric, thinks the vision are coming from Lord of light, Sandor doesn't believe and just want to know why. So far, I haven't seen fire hurting the Knight King.
    These are my thoughts. I just believe it was too easy for the Knight King to get what he needed.
    What do you all think?

  11. Talking about Jon Snow and Daenerys marrying, especially in the middle of a war, why not Robb Stark did it! Which is the whole reason his stupid ass got killed in the first place because he did not listen to Catlin(walder Frey isn't a man to cross.). Which again proves the Starks r just dumb. I love them , but fuck , use ur damn head!

  12. Q&A/crazy idea. Do you think Summer's death is foreshadowing of what will happen with Nymeria's pack? Maybe they will save someone fighting a group of wights and Nymeria doesn't die. The lone wolf dies but the pack survives

  13. I think that Jon is the key to balance. That is why the Night King has always watched Jon with some bit of awe…. and has always spared him. I think that he needs Jon. That's why he didn't try, at first, to kill Drogon because Jon was too close to Drogon….. when Jon steps toward the Night King, he tries to kill Drogon…..


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