Check out my predictions on the CRAZY things that will be happening in Season 8 of Game of Thrones involving your favorites like Jon Snow, Cersei, Daenerys, Jaime, The Hound, etc.
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do a what if jeoffrey kills cersie for slapping him
What if Cersei and Jaime weren't incestuous?
What if it's Cersei's baby that kills her? If it is a boy, it would be a younger brother.
Okay now this isn't a prediction just an idea I want ser illyn Payne to be Azor azhai
Do you think we could see ser illyn in S8?
I hope for a Cersei/Danny smackdown
I believe neither Dany nor Jon will survive because of their natures, like you said Daenerys' sacrifice will bring her whole circle but I also think that Jon's nature and story is of self-sacrifice so he would have to die as well so they could truly embody the tragic heroes story.
The only one I'm sure will survive is Tyrion and at least one Stark, my money is on Sansa and Bran (but who knows). Tyrion because it would be the over coming of your circumstances, he represents progress (well, for me anyways). Bran because he is the "divine/magical" element of the story (he is the beggining so he might be the end) and Sansa for she is The Survivor the one who knows the Game, the one that knows how to rule, the one who will not break ("Lady Stark, you may survive us yet")
I might be completly wrong, guess we'll have to wait
(…for 2019
I have a theory. I think the reason Tyrion Lanester looked like that at the end of season 7 because he promised to give up Jon Snow. think about it, he is fully devoted to Dani and if he feels anyone is hendering her he will try to stop that. Jon recently almost got her killed
Could you do a what if Arthur dayne won at the Tower of joy
The irony is that John and Dany baby will be a bastard. Most important question do we find out where the whores go ?
What's the point of Gilly & Little Sam still being alive? Everything is there in the show & books for a reason so the fact they are sister & brother to the Wight Walkers must mean something?
Since Cersei has no intention of losing the war and having Dany sit on the throne, making a deal for Cersei's child to rule after Dany makes no sense. She'd just have her child rule after her. Also, since the specified that the prophecy was gender neutral, it could be Dany kills Jorah. He loves her and would die for her. She could risk killing Jon and hoping he could be brought back by Mel, but that's no guarantee and Jon told her not to bring him back again. Since we've seen no bonding between Jon and Rhaegal, I think he'll ride Drogon. It may be that Dany won't be able to or that she's advised not to in order to keep her safe. I've always thought Bran would worg a dragon. So, maybe he'll remote pilot Rhaegal.
I think Jon will "kill" her by her dying in childbirth with their child. I can't imagine he would purposely kill her. He's already lost one love, and Daenerys is the mother of his child.
Jon will not be able to kill her
Everyone is so fixated on that prophecy that's only mentioned in the books and not in the show. And everyone just take sword, heart, love and go on saying "Jon kills Danny". What about the rest of it? Does Jon has to forge for 100d? Does Jon has to fail twice? If the sword was forged and empowered with a soul why does it have to happen again? Do souls have expiration dates? What sword is the original Lightbringer anyway? If you going to create bat shit crazy theory concerning a prophecy don't just take two words and call it a day. GoT does allot of foreshadowing so I think we'd get some clues along the way. Melisandre claiming many different people to be prince that was promised doesn't confirm a thing.
how can she have a baby if jon kills her
I think the golden company will fight for jon
I subscribe to the theory that Jon will kill Dany to forge Lightbringer…….HOWEVER I think either Beric or Melisandre (MAYBE even Bran if my theory about him is correct)….will bring her back.
I think Euron is the little brother who kills Cerci.
R'hllor is an evil god, he commands you to burn children and im so mad you allowed international you said just american
It would be a sad depressing shitty ending if daenerys die same with jon very predictable I thought it was bitter and sweet ending not a tragic ending doesn't make any sense
I think everyone is forgetting who the story is about there's only two main people daenerys jon A song of ice and fire story is around them from the beginning the middle an end
Sorry about that last theory doesn't make any sense in the story
Daenerys baby a dream of spring jon killing daenerys save the world timeline hmmm doesn't add up >melissandre is to do Nissa Nissa as she is the red witch if you remember on Dragon stone she done a ritual The sword out of the fire
sword or arya dagger will go into her heart by jon to kill the night king I think logic….
You should do a what if: mance kneeled to stannis
I think both Jon and Dany will die and Arya or Sansa will adopt their child, paralleling what Ned did for Lyanna and Rhaegar. I think it would be really poetic, and I think it would be a perfect ending to the Jon/Dany storyline
ultimate season 8 fantasy: Yara and Theon summon a kraken, defeat Euron and take over the Golden Company.
Why does it matter if Tyrion made a promise to Cersei about the possibility of her baby becoming an heir to the throne if Cersei has already broken her end of the agreement?
Some of these opened my eyes! Such as Danny being killed by Jon and Euron using the golden company. Those would be mega game changers but I'm a fan of Jon dying, Daenerys at least has the baby, then dies. But I really want one of either Danny or Jon to survive
hey man Clegane bowl needed to hppen this season if it had happened in the last episode it would have been the best season finale ever instead of a major fight between armys last episode just a clash of these 2 beefy big fucken cleganes
Q: can Bran warg into an White Walker / Wight?
Let's just be real. The leaks on Desinerd are accurate. That's how it's gonna go down. They were accurate last season and they'll be accurate this one. It makes sense since that plot definitely explains the bigger gap due to how difficult it would be to film and edit that.
that Tyrion Cercei deal is the lamest Theory ever!, it turned Tyrion the dumbest person of the 7 Kingdoms!
I'm hopeful the little brother to kill Cersei will be Tyrion! She has tormented him his whole life