Part 2 will be posted this Sunday, Sept 10th at 2pm GMT+1 | 8am EST. We will be released our GOT analysis weekly at this time. We will also post bonus videos often.

Season 8 predictions. How will Jon respond to news of his heritage? How will the Starks and Northerners receive Daenerys?

GAME OF THRONES: 7 Things You Missed in Daenerys and Jon’s Scenes (S7E5)

Game of Thrones: You Missed This! The Secrets in Eastwatch (S7 E5)



  1. Brilliant, love the way you pointed out that incest is not as bad as say caving a mans skull in with a rock, and as for Aria and Danny, I didn't even think of how those two would react to each other.

    One thing I did notice though was the flavor of the two incestuous relationships is completely different. Where Cersie's and Jamie's seems to be more illicit (doing it because it's wrong, and as a power play), that of Danny and Jon seems to be more innocent and born of true love. Also as the more toxic relationship ended, Danny and Jon started.

  2. I have been watching GOT prediction videos all day without liking or commenting. But i have to say i really like the narrator of this video. She explains her points really well and i like her voice also. I hope to see more theory videos from her maybe about the crazy ways events could turn out in westeros like whether maggie the frog's prophecy will be fulfilled, whether the white walkers will be defeated and how it would pan out in the show. I also personally love Arya's character and wonder where her story arc is headed; whether she will use her fighting ability to kill any other main characters of the show.

  3. Yes! They both was hot for one another, but he didn't know if she's evil like the mad King. Dany falls in love when she seen John was not only sexy & gorgeous but a good man that cared for others, his ppl. & John fell in love with Dany after he seen her true heart & trusted her seen her for the good queen she is!

  4. Just thought to break this down. It gives a little more insight on to why Danny and Jon will likely end up together and get past the whole incest thing.
    When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before.

    A break down of this prediction. We have seen all these things happen already. (at lest in the books.) And some of them in the show.

    1. When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.
    This is Quintan Martell. He came from the west, Born there, raised there and comes east where he dies, burned to death by dragon fire.

    2. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
    The seas go dry is the dorthraki sea which is going though a droubt at this point and time in the books. The Maintains are the Pyramids in the free cities that are crumbling. She makes mention of the red brick dust blowing though the air.

    3. When your womb quickens again,
    Danny has not bleed since her sons still birth. Not till she flys off on Drogon and she realizes her moons blood is upon her.

    4. and you bear a living child
    This we will see come to pass in the books when ever G.R.R.M gets around to writing it! LOL and in the show in season 8.

    Then he will return, and not before.
    It does not mean Drogo will return to her. It means she will find love again or a worthy husband.

  5. While both jon and Dany felt attracted to the the other at first glance;and while both Jon and Dany strive for the greater good. At time they met…They were looking at things from two totally different perspectives and had two different missions.

  6. There is no way Jon might be angry with Ned or the Starks. Ned would have with the truth of Jons heritage caused another civil war due to "Roberts Wrath". This was the best way to make sure he was protected. Or Robert would have sent assissins for Jon.

  7. There's one aspect of this…drama…that I would like your opinion on: Many people talk about how good a person Daenerys is, but her desire for the throne has increased alarmingly over the past few seasons. How will she react when she discovers that not only she isn't the last Targaryn, but that she isn't the rightful ruler? Will she give up the Iron Throne willingly, or will she fight to keep it?

  8. Well, I think they have chemistry together. But the real issue is that they are two rulers who have an alliance that could be complicated by love… which doesn't end well in the 'verse, unfortunately.

  9. Ok, sorry, but they made Rhagear look like bitch-ass Visearys' twin, I thought he'd at least be a bit bigger, or have a distinguishing characteristic about himself, but he looked identical to that little twerp! BIG let down! Letdown #2 was how they introduced/explained Rhegear & Lyanna Stark being in love &/or married! I was hoping for the tourney @ Harenhall flashback, but all they gave us was a 15 second clip of them getting married by a septon which I didn't get since Lyanna worshipped the old gods in the North, Dammit! Lol, sorry, if u can't tell, I'm a HUGE G of T tv show nerd & even more of a book nerd. I'm a bit too obsessed w/ detail! In my defense, lol, this damn book(s) & show will do it to you, they're freaking addictive & full of conspiracies which will drive ya nutty if u think too hard into it. 🙄 this is truly the 1st tv show/book series I've actually ever gotten into like this. I'm not a Trekkie

  10. Could you do a topic regarding religion? Do you think religion will cause an issue in the north like it did in King's Landing? Brandon follows the Old Gods as the 3 Eyed Raven, Arya follows the god of Death being a faceless assassin and Jon being resurrected from the dead follows the Lord of Light. What religion does Sansa follow? Probably the 7 since her mother did. I'd love to see what you would do with this idea.

  11. Dany will follow jon she believes in him more than she did in anyone Dany will understand that the throne is not what she wanted, this has always been the story Jon never wanted to be king, Dany always wanted to be Queen hence she wont be, because that is how the books and show work

  12. my question is why it would get out, only bran and Sam know it and their loyalty to Jon would prevent them from telling other people other than Jon and Daenerys and possibly Aryya and Sansa,, and Sansa is the one i could really see leaking it

  13. In my opinion: history of Targaryens are repeating from time to time. The best story of Jons end cold be like end of Rhaenyras uncle Deamon death( in series we have 2 dragon, Deamon was uncle to Rhaenyras and battled her enemy Aemon, Deamon jumped from his dragon to dragon and killed Aemon but both died crushing in a lake. Deanerys can die giving a birth to Jons child. But before that she kills Cerise in red keep like Aegon I burned Harrenhal

  14. What if the whole R+L=Jon (Aegon) is wrong all together? What if we are missing something at the Tower of Joy. What if Rhaegar and Lyanna took Ellia Martell's baby Aegon and protected him knowing that he was the prince that was promised. Then some thing went down at the Tower of Joy and Lyanna got stabbed and she was never pregnant? Rhaegar is his father but Lyanna is not his mom, she was just in love with Rhaegar. Maybe? That baby did not look like it just came out of a belly…

  15. All hail King Jon Aegon of House Targaryan – Stark
    Rightful King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men
    Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm
    The First of His Name
    The Uniter and King in the North
    Best of Bastards
    The Resurrected
    Lord Commander of the Night's Watch
    Friend of the Free Folk
    The White Wolf

  16. I think that they will both be distant for a few scenes, even though Daenerys has incest in her family past she hasn't grown up with it so she will see it as a bit wrong same as him but I think their love will be to strong to ignore towards the end of the season, I also think that the Starks will still see him as their brother plus he's half Stark anyway, I also think he will let Dany take the throne as he sees how much she wants it but I believe they will rule together, I believe he will still love her and if she was pregnant he would never bring a bastard into the world, he knows what it's like

  17. But even Starks have incest relationships in the family. Not like brother-sister but uncle-niece, cousin-cousin and it's not so uncommon in other houses too. It's like Middle Ages. It was completely normal thing


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