Some unique & interesting new theories and Season 8 predictions for Jon, Arya, Bran, Sansa, Dany etc. and for who will die by the end of Season 8.


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  1. It makes sense that Arya travels south to kill Cersie. Even though she is badass she has no use in the north except for killing few wights. I read in a fake leaked script that Jaquen comes back and gives her an assignment. A face has been promised and price is paid. Whose face has been promised? Cersie, Who paid the price? Euron. Even though this is fake script it makes a lot of sense. Plus Cersie is on Arya's list. So she might travel south and Hound will accompany her. Arya kills Cersie. Hound kills Mountain.

    Cersie has changed and Tyrion might know her intentions. But I was re-watching last episode and i paid attention to scene between Cersie and Tyrion. Cersie clearly made a fool out of Tyrion. And this has nothing to do with her been a changed person. She is a lot smarter than Tyrion. As soon as Tyrion told her he loved Tommen and Myrcella she used her unborn baby to her advantage. Because she knew Tyrion will not harm a child in her womb. She did not kill him because when she asked Tyrion how come Dany is a good queen if she wanted to destroy KL. Tyrion answers because she has me to keep a watch on her and keep her in control. Cersie instantly learns that as long as Tyrion is her hand Dany will not do anything drastic. So keeping him alive and letting him be Dany's hand was smart of Cersie. Tyrion might be smart in books but in the show he is a biggest fool LOL sorry i know he is ur fav character 😜🤐

  2. Nice theories………but i think Arya will go to KL on his own and kill Qyburn and take his face like she did taken Wakder frey face and then she kill Cersei……..and also i think Bran is the Night king maybe…. some of the theories……..You are also funny and i like it.

  3. Of all the vision scenes Bran has had, the one we have not yet seen, in terms of when it actually happens, is the single dragon flying over King's Landing.  That could be Viserion.  I have doubts because it looks like a sunny day in that vision scene, but pretty much all of the visions Brans has been given.  Then with Dany's vision of a burned down Kings Landing, it seems likely that Viserion and the Night King go to King's Landing.  

    Its possible the Army of the Living doesn't cross paths with the Army of the Dead in the North where we expect.  Dany and Jon are on the ship but their army is on the King's Road.  If the Army of the Dead goes towards the Dreadfort, they could divide Dany and Jon from their Army leaving them helpless.  From there the NK and the AOTD could continue south to King's Landing the God's Eye or both. 

    I don't see Arya taking Jamie's face to get to and kill  Cersei.  Although the FM can disguise their height, Arya really is too short to be Jamie.  Somehow she would have to sneak in. But it doesn't seem like that will be the way Cersei dies.  It also depends on whether D&D want to use the Valonqar theory.  They stopped short of that in the Maggy episode.  

    Jamie is no man's land now.  He doesn't want to support Cersei, he will have trouble joining up with Tyrion now that Dany's ship has sailed and the army is on the road.  He's alone.  A virtual lone wolf.

  4. Thank you so much for using my comments in your video 🙂 I tend to overthink things so I hope it was interesting/useful lol

    Great video 🙂 I thought your comment about Dany and Sansa was interesting. I agree I don't think Sansa will like Dany at first. However, I can see them bond over the fact that they were both forced into marriage and raped by their husbands. I think Sansa will accept Dany when she sees that she and Jon truly love each other.

    I have another theory about Melisandre. I can also see her having to help Dany give birth. I think it would be fitting that since a witch killed her first baby and now another witch would have to help her deliver a live/healthy baby.

  5. Hellow sweet spicy pepper girl..Nice video…There who you say that Danny doesnt stay pregnant from Daario …i have to remind you that MMD said also to Danny that there she may have a child again with a strange man who his death is clear..That means that she could stay pregnant by Jon ..the one that his death it was clear in S5..Maybe Jon has the magic d$$$[this is somehow between joke and serious taking thought] who could have work during the boatsex scene..She maybe is already pregnant from this ep but we are going to learning that in S8 ep 2..The same for them..She could be months pregnant in s8 ep2..We have/they have to waiting for that 1 year and half for to reveal that…What do you think ;

  6. Hey guys.. Do you think the Children of the Forest are still protecting something on the Isle of Faces? Who do you think will live or die by the end of Game of Thrones? And do you think the Night King will head straight to King's Landing?

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