Game of Thrones Season 8 Predictions. Some of my plot ideas.

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  1. The thing I don't understand about everyone who keeps saying "oh now that The Night King has a dragon hell just fly everywhere and/or fly straight to Kings Landing, or straight to the Gods Eye, or straight to *where ever*…. NO, I don't think so at all… My reason being? Why would he fly somewhere on Viserion by himself after he's spent 7 season raising and building this HUGE undead army… I feel like, without him around, the wights would kinda be useless and lost for what they are to be doing… so I think he'll stay with his army at all times, or at least stay above them on his Dragon, but never far… I mean think about it, Dany doesn't ever spend hardly any of her time ON Drogon… even tho she could… so why would he be any different? I actually expect Viserion to spend a lot of time flying up above The Night King and the undead army, offscreen… for two reasons, one it saves GoT & HBO a gigantic HUGE MASS OF MONEY if they can just have the dragon off screen with his screeches in the background noise and only bring him on screen when it's time for battle or time for destroying a castle. So for me the whole idea of us always seeing The Night King flying around or flying a long distance on Viserion is just a largely unlikely possibility. I know with 15mil per episode they can now afford to have all the dragons and all the CGI they damn near well please, but I think they'll be smart and budget that money wisely. Then again, I could be 200% WRONG AS HELL and he may stay strapped to Viserion for the entirety of season 8 or see him just fly somewhere in a hot flash, but if that's the case I think that will be fucking stupid. The whole idea of The Night King and the undead army is for them to MARCH WHERE THEY ARE GOING and more importantly to WIPE OUT EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IN THEIR PATH THAT THEY COME ACROSS ON SAID MARCH, and with the Night king having already flown, let's say straight to the gods eye, id think his undead army will be on a straight B-Line to catch up with him, ignoring everything and everyone in their way up until the moment they reach and regroup with their all supreme, great leader, The Night King, and his unruly new pet beast. The End.

  2. I think Theon will kill Euron and in the process take over Eurons fleet. This will allow for Theon to bring the Golden Company to Westeros to aid in the fight against the undead horde.

  3. you really are onto something with the nk simply going for cersie first as she has the smaller force and the night king(who could be an alternate version of bran or at least the same powers) has forseen jon uniting everyone and making a defence around winterfell so he tactically takes down cersie and takes the iron throne first(multiple foreshadowing and prophecies lol)

    but what i'm wondering is why that wight that was released at the dragon pit went straight for cersie only?
    everything is forshadowing lol

  4. Disagree with a few things. I believe Euron will betray Cersei but not help fight the dead. He's a sadistic little twat, but he's not going to waste men on a battle someone else can fight. Plus his strength is on the water where the undead aren't really an enemy he can fight. Based on the Golden Company's back history and the fact that Jorah once served with them and Daario is also a sell sword, I wouldn't be surprised if the Golden Company breaks their contract and helps the North fight Cersei and the NK.

    Bronn wouldn't betray Jamie for Cersei. Not that he wouldn't betray his own mother for the right price, but he knows she's a liar and pretty much a sociopath. He wouldn't trust her to deliver and not just have him killed after the fact.

    I do think Jamie will die in Brienne's arms though. Also think you might be right about the army of the dead going straight to Westeros. Not only would it condense the storylines to fit the season but it does seem odd that the NK would cross the wall via Eastwatch, which is the part of the wall farthest from Winterfell, unless he knows that area is more densely populated so he can gather more soldiers.

    I do see Jon rallying the North to protect King's Landing but do not see Dany saying "let them die." She feels she is queen and wants to genuinely protect her people. Plus, they mentioned how many people live in KL at the beginning of episode 7. Don't think that was just a random comment. Jon will probably use the argument that if KL falls, over a million soldiers will be created. Dany listens to him. She respects him. Plus, she wants to be a good queen. She's not dumb, and it would be foolish to allow the dead to recruit millions on their march south before confronting the NK with a fraction of that.

  5. I think Cersei had Qyburn create some kind of fertility potion like the opposite of moon tea to help her get pregnant. This would explain why she was suddenly so confident about her handmaid seeing her and Jaime together, and then later when she tells him she's pregnant why she's so confident that they can be open about the baby being theirs. I hope the baby ends up being a dwarf that kills her in child birth. It would serve her fucking right, and be consistent with an incest baby, lol, especially one with IV involved.

  6. Why does everyone forget about Cersei's dark hair child that died of "fever" that she speaks about in season one epi 2 i believe? Roberts true child with her? or was that just a story she made up to Catiline?

  7. One possibility not mentioned is Euron making his own deal with the Golden Company and using them to attack Cersei to gain the Iron Throne. In the books, they come with John Connington and the supposed first Aegon from Rhaegar and Elia. It seems D&D are combining several plot lines into one for brevity sake and bringing them in with Euron. Since Euron and Victarion's complicated story lines are not done in the show, it seems to indicate the final result of these three story lines can be summarized as the show is presenting. We'll see SOME treachery on Euron's part I am convinced.
    In discussing the difficulty of Jamie being believed, you didn't mention the most obvious point of support, Tyrion! So far the brothers have always dealt truthfully with each other and that would have a great deal of effect on Tyrion believing Jamie's claims.
    Another issue is once the Night King gets south of the wall, there will be far more dead men he could raise up. What happens when hundreds of thousands of dead from many years past start clawing their way out of graves and joining him? Dealing with the Night King must take place quickly so I don't think the Northerners will just let him march south past Winterfell. I believe the penultimate battle will take place there.
    Lastly, I also have a favorite theory about Qyburn that I haven't heard anywhere else. Given the ubiquitous nature of the "Rains of Castamere" and the story of Tywin's brutal elimination of the House of Reyne, I think there will be a plot twist that has Qyburn revealed as the younger brother of the Lord of House Reyne, who was in training in the Citadel when that happened. I propose that Qyburn will be the "younger brother" that will end up killing Cersei, perhaps with the same poison that killed Joffrey…known as "the strangler". There are so many convergences of these little plot details that would all be shown as foreshadowing of the most intricate kind that would be resolved in such a way.

  8. Great video. Most problems we are all having with predictions are due to the fact that we still have a lot of characters, thus, a lot of options. That will most likely change by mid season in the brutal manner we are all accustomed too, lol.

    I believe the Night King will fall at Winterfell because this is were winter fell before and why there always has to be a Stark at Winterfell; they had a Bran before and they have a Bran again. I also believe it will came at a great cost, character and country-wise. But what I most sure is that when the army of the dead arrives all arguments will become academical; the survivors will then continue the Game of Thrones, either to sit on the throne or to start some different for of government. Someone has to win the Game, doesn't it? Can't just be by default, like, whoever is alive and eligible after. That's too neat.

  9. You're not missing much, I couldn't even force myself to read the "leaked" super fake plot, it's awful fan fiction not only contradicted by production news (hadn't even begun filming when this terrible fake script came out) but characters are in entirely different places than where they should be based on the last episodes of season 7 (that came out after the script to the surprise of no one).

  10. Jon would try to save cercei not because of honor, but because kings landing has a million people in it. Imagine 1 million more added to night king's army. Cercei only has wild fire as a proper weapon against the white walkers but she's not even prepared and comparatively, winterfell has dragons, dragon glass, best swordsmen, Bran, most of the valayrian steel swords, direwolfs, the largest army in westeroes and the ones who know the secrets about white walkers. So this theory is strong that the night king would love to cut the cake out of kings landing first in order to enlarge his army magnificently. (Well, most of your theories don't make sense to me though.)

  11. ok, Bran is like Spock now … I do not see him getting "emotional" on Jamie. I see Sansa as the Warden of the north with the R+L=J reveal. Totally seeing the Night King with a head start and, "oohhh $#!+" said by everyone. I think the Golden Company is lead by a Targaryen (not just a Tyrion trope). And … wouldn't it be way cool if we get an ex machina involving the children kicking ass and then taking names ? However, I think most of all the plot will be rushed way too fast in order to 'trope' the dire straits the living are faced with, buying little time to 'scour the southlands'… but hey, time will tell. I also predict the last 2 novels will magically drop right after GoT airs.

  12. Still stupid to think Tyrion made some secret pact with Cersei. She used him to convince everyone that she had a good reason to cooperate with the alliance so they would march north. Tyrion would NEVER trust Cersei enough to conspire with her against everyone else. Cersei would not gain anything more than what she already got, everyone marched north. Tyrion agreeing to back her new child as the heir to the throne would mean nothing after she DIDN'T march north and instead imported the Golden Company. Either she would be the only one strong enough to hold the throne after the War of the Dead or Danny/Jon would win and want to kill her for betraying them.

  13. Thanks for the video, good job as usual.I don't think John will leave Cersei to die not because it's the right thing, but because he wouldn't want to fight all the people (1 Million) of kingslanding turned to wights. It would be easy to convince everyone after that.

  14. Does anyone think that 2018 will have any GOT related show material? I'll only predict some things; half the cast won't make it the end, more Starks will survive then Lannisters, we will hear the end of Tyrion's joke, and that Sam or Gilly will be quiet heroes. Die Cersei Die.


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