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  1. Regarding the leaks I personally love spoilers. The spoils of war was so amazing even with the spoilers. A plot leak couldn't spoil drogon's screech. I will admit Eastwatch was not good because I knew what was coming, but I also hated everything except the banter of the magnificent 7 and the no being a greenseer. Way too tropey episode. The books are all that matter IMO. That being said I respect people who don't want to be spoiled. I had to find spoiler content creators to talk about the spoilers, and IMO if you are a content creator spoilers should be part of the job. This is going to happen for season 8 too. Hackers and Watchers on the Wall will make sure of it.

  2. re the section on Jon's parentage…everyone keeps saying he's no longer a Stark and the impact that will have on the North. That's not true…he's still half a Stark just as he was before (i.e. Ned Stark's bastard son, ergo the last name Snow) only now he's Lyanna Stark's true-born or legitimate son with Rhaegar T. Jon has never had the last name Stark, but he is still half a Stark. He's now a Stargaryen.

  3. My S8 Ending Theory is; Jon and Dany Defeat the Night King but both dragons die, Arya kills Cersei, Jon and Dany get married, and the Night Queen awakes pissed that the Night King has died…..end….. to leave us hanging of her threat.

  4. Maybe it's not that supernatural… something like Reagan tapping into his Blackwood ancestry magic and marching north of the Wall to recruit an army of zombies that'll help him win the iron throne… the only way to defeat the whites is dragonglass and fire – both Targaryan tools

  5. Kraster`s family tree is a straight line. His sons are closest blood line to First Men its more "pure".
    Night King is a First Men so he need that blood to perform ritual of transformation.

  6. TINFOIL At winterfel , the Kings of Winter ghost army rises from the Crypts, drag Viserion down to the ground with the Night King on his back, Beric running over and gives the kiss of life to the dragon, Viseryon comes back to life and eats the Night King. lol


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