Game of Thrones Foreshadowing – What You Missed Part 7
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Game of Thrones season 8 series on foreshadowing/hints/parallels in the show. What were they hiding in Game of Throne right under our noses telling us what was going to happen. In this Game of Thrones series we will start in season 1 episode 1 “Winter is Coming” and go through and find every foreshadowing clue, hint, and parallel moments in every episode to date…thanks for watching! Please Like and Subscribe!

Foreshadowing Playlist:

A Dragon Raised By Wolves (How Game of Thrones Will End for Jon Snow)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

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  1. 00:5801:25 revealed more about the hands than you realize. If the Old Gods are intervening on Bran & Cat's behalf, it seems fitting for her hands to incur the most damage. As you've said: Catelyn has been praying to her gods, the wrong gods. Is she audibly chanting all day & night? Nope. She's been using her hands to craft items of religious significance for her gods… not the Old Gods.

  2. Ned killing Lady loosely parallels Azor Ahai and the death of Nissa Nissa, in that she was sacrificed so Azor Ahai could become the hero. Lady was sacrificed so Bran can fulfill his role as a hero.

  3. When Catelyn looks up from the spot that Bran fell she sees that, he didn't just fall from a tower, he fell from a high window at the tower. That clues her in to the fact that he may have seen something through the window so she goes up to the room and finds the hair. I'm sure she knew that as the lady of the house, no one goes up there and if they did, no one there has blonde hair but these visiting Lannisters do.

  4. Am enjoying this series – keeps one going!

    I was struck by the scene with Sansa, Joffrey and the Hound: She's holding Lady,  her wolf-dog. The Hound is Joffrey's "dog". Joffrey (coming to Sansa's rescue supposedly!) says " Away with you dog. Your are scaring my Lady." Joffrey's actions lead to Lady's death. Was this a bit of foreshadowing? Sansa has lost her dog. Will the Hound become her "dog" in the future and defend her if she does sit on the throne?

  5. Someone may have said this already but it's interesting that when Cersei sends Lady to death Robert tells Ned, "Get her a dog, she'll be happier for it" and ironically the Hound is the one that steps in to help Sansa. Pretty cool connection.

  6. Dany and Katklyn's commonality was being "Mothers." (Miesa) That's all I could think of. Maybe Dany will die the same way Catelyn did…As a result of her own overzealousness as a Mother not only betrayed by her own maternal nature ( (a useless liability for political/war strategy) , but also betrayed by someone she should never have trusted. Catlyn was betrayed by the Boltons/Freys. Dany could possibly be betrayed by The Greyjoys/some other ally.

  7. I am really enjoying this series…it is nice to re-watch the early episodes and to actually see the scenes they parallel and foreshadow. And there's a lot of stuff I didn't really notice (despite watching the series in full at least 3-4x every season, so that means I've literally seen the early seasons probably close to a dozen times !) …like I don't think I ever actually noticed that Ned killing Lady caused Bran to wake up !👍🏼👍🏼😊

  8. There was a pretty awesome foreshadowing quote in the scene when arya was being grilled about Joffrey and Nymeria. When Robert agrees that Lady should be killed, Ned stops them and says he will do it himself. Cersei asks him if it was some sort of trick, and he says, "The wolf is of the North. She deserves better than a butcher." The wolf is both Lady AND Sansa STARK, the butcher being Sir Ilyn, Joffrey, AND, later, Ramsay. Awesome!

  9. Hey Chris I got something bothering me and really it may not be important but when I look at the Nights King I see Bran in him, I mean there noses are almost identical to me. Tell me I'm crazy ok?

  10. So I was trying to think of connections between Danny and Cat, and it occurred to me they both have three sons (if you count Danny's dragons). I don't know how much into the far future we will see at the very end of the show, but it would be interesting if Danny never had any other sons, but maybe two daughters. A bigger connection though is that they were both forced to marry strangers for political reasons, but both ended up loving their husbands.
    Also, I never thought about the connection between Lady's death and Bran waking up. Great observation.

  11. makes me wonder if Ned would have been alive when the high sparrow rose to power, would he have tried ned for his supposed infidelity? and since Kat was loyal to the 7 + since she was still butt hurt over the whole thing, would she have supported it? since she would get closure on the matter. also, am I the only one that finds Robert baratheon's statement," Robert baratheon, murdered by a pig," hilarious af?

  12. Thanks for insight and I look forward to future videos.  I am one that didn't see all the foreshadowing or what it meant.  It really gives a whole new perspective.  I will revisit the entire GOT seasons of course paying special attention to all your ideas.

  13. hi smokescreen … you no nothing LOL
    I give you a sign … you namend the Key to solve the riddle by YOURSELF 😀 … but you don´t know 😉
    "or you decide you don´t like riddles 😉
    … For the watch ;-)…
    Take the scene where Olenna talks to Sansa and Margery…what is Joffrey for a man… because Margery shall marry him…. ….
    watching is not seeing 😉
    … didn´t you listen to him?… he is no one
    watching GoT is like driving on the Motorway… with 300 hundred mp/h,,… on ice 😉
    tons of hints pass in extreme speed 😉
    … chaos is a ladder 😉
    didn´t you listen to him ???

  14. As a sign you can trust me … have a look on the official Pics of Game of Thrones, what is just another word for Tourney 😉 … there is a sword usd for "T"
    They ARE NOT !!! the same … and one of them you have already seen in the show 😉

  15. I GOT IT !!!
    I know why there is Truth in Quarth !!!
    I know the connection from GOT to Black-Fyre Rebellion… I know how it will END !!!
    I know what, I know where.. and WHO.
    The Symbols are the key to .EVERYTHING 😉
    The Connecion IS …. THE RED WEDDING .. –> AND IT`S MEANING !!!
    I know who is bad and who good-guy
    It´s quite simple if you know WHAT to search… 1000 and 1 hints at every corner … watching is not seeing 😉

    But I spoilered too much so far

    I can say… YOU ALL… know the Bloodstone-Emporer… you have seen him more than once 😉

    … If you take away all things that can´t be true … what is left… is the truth !!! … (dedicated to bookreaders) 😉

    For everyone who trys to find out for himself… let me say… each symbol has more than one meaning .. !!!

  16. Hi……….. Love the foreshadowing series, u make good points…..😀 I was wondering if you notice in IMDb the date of the series premiere it's June 25, do u think it's the real deal or just a educated guess.

  17. What do you think, when Bran later is carving the wood angry with a Tully-fish pin, what does it mean? (Meanwhile talking with Maester Lewin about Cat leaving). I thought, that was the point, when Bran was breaking with his Tully-side and becoming full Stark, full northerner. Trying to destroy the Tully-pin – destroying his own Tully-side.
    Well, the Tully-side made the Stark kids weaker. You can see it: Arya does not have much Tully: she managed to survive. Sansa has too much Tully – it makes her weak. For Robb: his Tully-side and keeping his mother around (freeing Jaime Lannister) was his doom.


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