Game of Thrones Season 8 Prep | What You Missed Part 21

**Potential Spoilers**

Prepare for Game of Thrones Season 8 with this series on foreshadowing, hints and parallel moments in the show. What were they hiding in Game of Thrones right under our noses telling us what was going to happen. In this Game of Thrones series we will start in season 1 episode 1 “Winter is Coming” and go through and find every foreshadowing clue, hint, and parallel moments in every episode to date. Here we start S1 E7 “You Win or You Die”. Thanks for watching! Please Like, share and subscribe!

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How Game of Thrones Will End for Jon Snow

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  1. hi I love your video s. I get this feeling that the night king is Branson stark in the future. Branson keeps coming back trying to change the out come and each time something does change ,but not the way he wanted. we see how history changed when Branson when back call out his dad's name and he turned. Then every time he goes back his dad turns. it's like Branson is constantly changing the loop of history. in the end he's trying to stop the first bran from being made the night king what fo u think

  2. "…since I cannot prove that you are not mine" – Tywin about being Tyrion's father. Do we get some clues here? There's so much pointing to a possibility of Tyrion not being Tywin's son but instead he would be the Mad King's. There's not a lot of time left, and I wonder how Tyrion could be made aware of such lineage anyway, but it's always there, the doubt. It could only be, in fact, Tywin's way of saying he wishes Tyrion was never born. But there's so many things here and there along the road that seem to point that way. The only thing that points to Tywin being the father is the fact that Tyrion is clever, that intellectually he resembles Tywin, but that has way more to do with education than blood. The other two are not considered brilliant, well, that might have something to do with the fact that they were more entertained with each other than taking example on their father. Besides, Jon Snow's whole attitude and demeaning are of Ned Stark, his hero, the father he thought he was.

  3. Having re-watched the episodes from seasons 3 – 6, I have spotted so many potential hints of foreshadowing that I had somehow missed previously.

    In season 4, Olenna tells Sansa how sorry she is to hear about her mother and brother's death at the "Red Wedding". She then remarks that it is enough to put men off weddings (presumably, put them off getting married). Curiously though, this was not her brother's wedding – he was merely a guest at Edmure Tully's wedding (who ironically survived). I believe the remark was foreshadowing Joffrey's death at his wedding to Margaery Tyrrell moments later.

    There are also other moments that suggest foreshadowing, such as Roose Bolton telling his son, Ramsay, that if he behaves like a mad dog, he will be taken out and slaughtered like one – we then know that he was fed to his own dogs by Sansa.

    Another is when Bran talks of the violation of guest rite and retribution for it, by having the murderers killed and put in pies, a la Black Waldau Frey.

    Even more curiously, when re-watching season 4, Tyrion discussed Sansa Stark with Pod. He told Pod that he didn't believe that Sansa killed Joffrey. His reasoning was that, "Sansa isn't a killer. At least not yet".
    The scene then immediately cut to Sansa and Littlefinger en route to the Vale.
    Based on this, I think it may be plausible that Sansa will kill Littlefinger.

  4. * Arthur Dayne is the Knight of the Laughing Tree that saved Howland Reed, Arthur & Lyanna Stark fell in love in a secret love affair and Rhaegar Targaryen blessed the relationship of his best friend by handing Lyanna a bed of winter blue roses, but it confused all that saw the act of good gestor and mistaken it as Rhaegar having a crush on her.  When Lyanna ran off with Arhur, everyone assumed Rhaegar kidnapped her and it started a great war.  Arthur Dayne was the one that stayed with Lyanna during birth and to also protect her during the war, but couldn't admit to anyone of the love affair – and that he is Jon Snow's father!!!  The real twist is that Arthur Dayne saved Howland Reed as the secret Laughing Knight, but it was Howland Reed that killed Arthur. ***

  5. This series that you've developed is really, really neat! They are just the perfect legth, episodes being long enough to keep you interested.. When I see another episode of this in my notifications I rush over here to watch it hehe. Much love from Stockholm, Sweden aka the land of always winter 😉

  6. Tywin' legacy, about what he was speaking in this scen and to Arya in Harrenhall, is:
    – the war, which tore apart the Seven Kingdoms into thousand pieces, worms, murderers and traitors (Freys, Boltons) ruling and harassing
    – the anarchy, where almost all of the long-ruling major Houses are extinct
    – the huge, unpayable debt to the Iron Bank of Braavos
    – Anarchy. No central power, real king, who would unite and prepare the Seven Kingdoms for the War for the Dawn and defend the Realm
    – The example what he has given to everyone: with betrayal, murder, breaking guest right everyone is able to grab power: open the field for worms
    – Starvation for Westeros in Winter. Death for the people of Westeros during Winter with ignoring any threat for the Realm in the North, not preparing the REalm for the fight, which will cost millions of lives.
    I would like to mention, that it was a cut scene, where Varys reported Tywin in the Small Council about Mance and the wildling army attacking the Wall and the Nightswatch is asking for more men to defend the Realm. And Tywin's choice for that: not sending help to defend the Realm, but leave the Nightswatch alone against 100 000 wildlings, so the wildlings can attack Robb Stark in the back in the North. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. But if you think about, this is exactly what Cersei is going to do with the Nightking's army of dead according to the leaks: just not care about that and not doing her duty as queen defending the Realm.
    So: Tywin's legacy after the Great War:
    – He, his children and his granchildren dead. House Lannister will extinct in the end (except of Tyion I hope), the Lannister name will be a curse for the afterage, everyone avoiding them like pest. And the Starks will rule, with Jon Snow as an eternal king, I think.

  7. I can almost guarantee that Cersei kills Jaime , because , GRRM……………is an asshole , and doesn't want us to see Jaime actually achieve redemption . He'll get close and we'll all be happy and pulling for him , and then……….KAPOW ! He's dead .

  8. Heyyy Chris, I really just wanted you to know that YOU are the first man/YouTuber that I've ever wanted to try & get your attention (& it worked, to my surprise 😋👏🏼😉). Lol. But I'm just sitting here (waiting to pick up my little girl from school) watching your new video & listening to your sexy ass voice talking about my absolute favorite series ever is extremely a huge turn on & you're so attractive, Lol. Sorry I have no filter. Also I really don't want you to think that, I am some sort of crazy, stalker Troll on YouTube. I'm just a fun, funny cool 😎 34 year old single mom of an almost 5 year old little girl. Lol.


  9. I became one of your patreon  subscribers today because your vids are always good, and you always takethe time and answer your subs comments when you have the time. Wish I could pledge more but we all go bills, keep making the great vids and thanks.

  10. FINALLY AWESOME!! Ned was stupid to think he could play by the rules or be nice instead of just telling the King on his deathbed the truth about the kids! If he would have just told him, well I guess we wouldnt have a show.

  11. There's also a quote from Tyrion in one of these episodes where he says cutting off Ned Stark's head will haunt them for a generation. I took that to foreshadow the deaths of Tyrion/Cersei/Jaime.

    Also, I don't know that Jaime is a good guy. When Edmure didn't give him what he wanted, he threatened to kill Edmure's children. To me he's still the same old asshole who has no problem killing kids to save his own ass.Jon didn't accept that behavior from Melisandre, so he shouldn't accept Jaime either. I actually think Bran will kill him somehow. In the books, Bran reflects repeatedly about who kills him and seems to know it's Jaime. I can't see Bran learning the truth about his family and not seeking vengeance against someone. Least of all, the man who crippled him.


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