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  1. Here's my new Game Of Thrones Season 8 and Game of Thrones Prequel Series Breakdown video from the HBO panel this past week. They also talked about the Westworld Season 2 premiere date. Expect a trailer soon!

  2. I think the war of the nine penny kings would be perfect. Characters and families they are familiar with plus their rise and and how they began to form alliances. Plus do not need that much CG because of no dragons.

  3. I would love to see a The Long Night series. The only thing that needs to happen no matter what they got with is, if he's still alive, have Bran touch a weirwood root and go into a vision to begin the series.

  4. Lord Charles !!! Last October, the Official GOT trailer, ends with a WW looking down on Winterfell. Is there
    Maybe a Breakdown you could do of it or not really ? Hope you can see some Easter Eggs planted there.
    Love your Work !!! Your Banner sails High !!!

  5. I'd love to view an adaptation of Aegon's conquest and the following history played out including DoDragons…characters such as Targ bastard siblings Bloodraven, Sheira Seastar & Blackfyre Bittersteel

  6. Rather than Dance of the Dragons I'd like them to go way back and show the coming of the first men, the planting of the Reach, the finding of gold in the Westerlands, and the Bran the Builder putting up the Hightower, Storm's End, and Winterfell.

  7. I seriously could care less about actors interviews, they would say it's gonna be great even it were the biggest pile of garbage ever. I remember with season 7 they were saying "it's the best season yet" and in my humble opinion it was the worst season of Game of Thrones lol. But i'm still extremely hyped for season 8 I just hope it's not another disappointment.


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