HUGE NEWS EVERYONE Game of Thrones Season 8 Release Date has been Confirmed for … 2019. This is a Game of Thrones Season 8 News Video and does contain Spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 8 concerning : Sansa Stark, Jon Snow and More!
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Another video confirming release date that does not confirm release date
Everyone is acting like this is something new. This is something we’ve been hearing for a while. This is the third channel that I’ve watched hoping for an actual date.
It's hard to trust Sophie Turner. She's trolled us before.

Never expected season 8 before 2019. I am a Sansa fan and look forward to her showing her best side in the next season.
Oh well. Iv started reading the books and hopefully winds of winter comes out next year
Does anyone believe Sansa would go against family ?, really?
It's a battle between living and the dead. Here's the link from the interview.
I found this quote interesting : "This season is more a passionate fight for her than a political, manipulative kind of fight."
I think her passionate fight is for her family, home and people, I don't ship, but maybe she discovered feelings for Jon beyond just being a " Stark "
I think she will fight to get the North behind Danny, she even may bring up that Jon and Danny Marry; it be a win for the North, and a win for House Stark.
Only thing I know as of the end of S7 is this: Only Sansa is planning for food, refugees and getting as much ready for the battle to give Jon, Danny and the other combatants a chance to survive, but it won't be enough. The Vale, RL, White Harbor, they all need to send food
Cersei is hoarding her food supplies, and could care less about the small folk ( ~ 1 million of them ) food for the undead.
Danny and Jon are heading to White Harbor, but her men are traveling by road, how are they going to eat?, Danny destroyed the food supplies at the field of fire.
Hopefully Manderly will have plenty to spare as they head North.
That guy better start writing his last book!
That sucks!
Glad you try to be positive, Kyle, I do one an not as patient. But as long as they don't screw it up I guess it will be worth it… Love the background music in the video too, that's a pretty haunting piece of music
I was already mad that the show ended short and we have to wait until 2019. And during season seven, I were expecting to see more houses. But how come we never got a chance to see more houses from the books who should made their appearance on the show?
that's some fucking bull shit those pricks can do better than that hell I may be dead by then and ide like to watch the end and read the last books before I check out but the way it's looking I don't think I'm gonna get to
It’s Sansa’s fault! Fuck Sansa I hope she does episode 1
I am going with being glad they are taking their time. I am hoping the last season will be the best and end the show on a note it deserves. Thanks for keeping us updated Kyle!
Miguel Sapochnik! One director to rule them all!
Awesome to get to see you twice in one day. I was expecting it to be around March in 2019 as it actually started in March of 2011. So no disappointment there. It will be an epic hyped Season. There will be Game of Thrones parties in every (well nearly every) house or community around the world. I’m sooo excited to see what will happen and it’s a “bittersweet” ending for all of us fans as coming to an end to the most spectacular series ever to be televised will be very bitterly sad but to have these memories to always have and hold onto is Sweet!! We can look forward to whatever spin off HBO gives us and we will have two totally awesome books of GRRM’s that will hopefully be in our hands very soon. The community of GOT fans is a HUGE community and I hope that you, Kyle, will go on past the end of the show and do videos of the book content as well. Love and Hype and Seven Blessings to us all and of course I wish everyone a very merry holiday season

Seven blessings Sophie turner
Lucky 13…
Hopefully it's not as bad as season 7. That wight hunt episode was so bad.
We mostly expected 2019…but I don't think that Sophie Turner would be allowed to tell anything about her character…they are sworn to secrecy ,so whatever any cast members say ,I am taking with a grain of salt…..unless of course her character has already died.
Definitely this will be time for Sansa to step up. All three of the Stark children have had to learn, and learn Fast…she'll rise to the challenge, especially with the subliminal competition with Bran's and Arya's powers. She, of all the Stark kids, can't be seen to Not be pulling her weight with everyone watching. Also she may feel that she has a lot to answer for, as Arya reminded her in s7.
The 3 of them are like the Holy Trinity, I only hope no one (No One) has to be sacrificed to save everyone.
I don't think the north will see Dany as a threat. They will see her as someone that will go to war and tame the south. They will also hear the story how she came, and help their King north of the wall, and now is joining him to save the north.
when? missed it
Mixed emotions about having to wait until 2019. Would love to have it sooner so we can see how the story ends but I guess willing to wait to make it more Epic
Sansa eaten by Rheagal would be a great ending
I think it is extremely cruel wait! Yes, I want it to be GREAT! So I try not to complain. Sansa has definitely grown on me too. I think she will most likely rule the north. Also, the north has "heard" Jon talk about the WW, but I'm sure actually seeing them will be a different story. As far as the north and how they feel about Dany, the maybe cool towards her at first but when they see her fight against the WW atop Drogon, they will see her differently. Dany will be saving them by bringing her dragons. She could easily fly off and rule Essos but she chooses to help fight. I hope they see her sacrifice.
Wow 2019 it is then
Hopefully George will drop WoW before the last season. That would definitely be awesome.
Dany is definitely pregnant, she's not going to make it through child birth though. I'm willing to bet they have a girl too.
Thank our queen for confirming this to us loyal Game of Thrones fans
No surprise there.. I figured that once season 7 premiered and i saw that amazing cgi
My heart is going to explode!