Game of Thrones Season 8 – Rhaegar Targaryen Azor Ahai Lightbringer Theory
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Game of Thrones Azor Ahai theory and perhaps a new perspective on ASOIAF prophecy. Was Rhaegar Targaryen Azor Ahai?
Did he attempt to forge the hero’s sword Light bringer 3 times like the legend says? Or can almost anyone fit the Azor Ahai prophecy? Everyone is Azor Ahai Reborn…Discuss!

Featured Art:
Hykroon by Jordi Gonzalez
Elia Martell – Illustration by Elia Fernandez
Rhaegar and Elia’s final goodbye – by Denkata5698
Rhaegar Targaryen by Paintmaster1
Steffon Baratheon Art by Kwnnos
Patchface art by Sprrow

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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin’s series of fantasy novels, the first of which is titled A Game of Thrones. It is filmed in a Belfast studio and on location elsewhere in Croatia, Iceland, Malta, Morocco, Northern Ireland, Spain, Scotland, and the United States, and premiered on HBO in the United States on April 17, 2011.



  1. Dude, I love your stuff and follow faithfully (ASOIAF) – have been trying like crazy to become a supporter but apparently Patreon and I don’t work! And I’m financially stable!! Do you have any idea how to just freakin’ commit without losing my mind?

  2. lightbringer was forged when it was plunged through the hart of nissa nissa and the dawn was forged from the hart of a fallen star.. so what if nissa nissa was actually a dayne of star fall? she could be the metaphorical star whos hart forged the dawn/lightbringer?

  3. very interesting, and many good points. I believe that you are right. Martin's philosophy is that war creates more harm than good, and that people need to work together (peace). very good video

  4. so i assume as well since Crastor is dead and there's no more offerings for the white walkers to make more maybe the nightking may seek a nightqueen so they may be able to multiply and cercei seems so valid for the role but it won't happen as the nightking is just a "grumkin and snark" to her, and even if she sees a wight she'll think he's doomed of something else like northern stupidstition(lol) of something that went wrong when Ser Gregor went right as he's a dark dead fleshed pale in other areas since qyburn pumped his blood out from the manticore poison that was killing him and I'm thinking he readministered some kind of embalming blood transfusion to keep his flesh from rotting further yet keeping him with common sense and alertful actions of anyone that could intelligently assume positions(like on septum "what's her face" Lunem as he sexually harassed her.) Personally I think the Mountain could make to be one of the most important characters in the end game just because of him being technically the "last Giant" and maybe make peace or something with the hound. The biggest thing that really pisses me off about the show is without any feedback from Qyburn, he is acting Grand Maestor and yet the Lannisters left him for dead at Harrenhal where Robb and Kat and Roose finds him barely alive and the Starks saved him from death while the mountain himself tortured him if not had someone to and yet now he's the one pulling the strings of the mountain medically speaking. But Him siding with the Lannisters after getting Jamie to Kings' Landing is kind of odd unless they obviously went with the "if you can't beat them join them" motto. Still could be more interesting if he ended up with the starks.

  5. jon will grow to love dany and maybe have to plunge through her heart to bring the bittersweet ending which is indeed bitter sweet. That is if that's the only way lightbringer can be fashioned in that moment to sacrifice to the lord of light and get the flaming jedi knight saber(technically what it is as ppl say it's not a sword, but it has to be as Azor Ahai fackin' tempered and smithed it for what 30 days breaking in water, reforging tempering and smithing more for 50 days and killed a Lion and that wasn't a solution so now 100 days to work the sword and boom plunged it through nissa and ba boom flaming vestige at your service! Jon may be a man of many names, but They want you to think jon is Azor Ahai as he's not as the first one has came and went and let on the prophecy of light bringer, I think the twisting of words are working well between the show and the books because it's like a big twirled entwined prickly rose bush and everythings so close to being the same with all the characters that fit the requirements but I think there are more requirements unless Dawn just flat out is the original sword azor ahai wielded and since it's flame is gone, hell maybe a dragons heart will do as i hear one may die or even be a dragon Walker, but yea, this show is a maze of possibleness.

  6. reborn as in dead then REBIRTH to be reborn or reborn as in like an eventful changing event that brings forth the notion? Dany Was never literally dead to be "reborn into the world" as she is resistant to fire, and most are like yea she's "somewhat" but if you go into a funeral pyre and you're not literally cooking and the fire goes out and it just burnt her clothes and birthed three dragons the prophecy doesn't say to birth or rebirth dragons but It could say more than we are aware of, but they are fire made flesh (blood and fire) so salt and smoke, yes, but she wasn't reborn. Jon was literally killed and reborn, and the in the heart ideal you mention is good because nissa nissa got stabbed in the heart with lightbringer to enact itself to be successful as jon stated that olly(instead of saying other words people wonder why he mentions olly instead of raging but jon says Olly put a blade through my heart) so jon being reborn/resurrected to me that is a literal born amidst salt and smoke via the lord of light and what comes with his perks, I think WHEN jon and dany get together something will happen that will enact a property of some kind near the end of season 7 as lightbringer is a end game weapon and who knows, kinvara could also be the nightqueen(to be? or was?) or could the nightking just have reason to come back all of a sudden as magic came back in the world as the warlocks said danys dragons enacted and enhanced their magic and possibly vengeance for the last war of the dawns success on driving the nightking or maybe lightbringer as says keeps the dark at bay and what if the nightking just can't be killed at all and lightbringer is the only thing that can kinda drive him back into hibernation or whichever reason the others were gone for the thousands of years since the war of the dawns success the first time around… i'm adding a lot I know but I'm sold Tyrion may be the third Targaryen and it would be crazy if the nightking was a hidden targaryen perhaps Rhaegar(could he have died and been brought back by the lord of light after dragged away from the battle since it was the religion I believe in that time as Mel says to Thoros of Myr that Thoros was sent to convert the way of the lord of light into fruition with the Baratheon Royal dynasty which refuted it after the rebellion was won?) somehow looking in hardhome episode at his son and bitter sweet would that be to have that fight. Plus everyone knows Rhaegar holds a key to a door to a room full of answers, and maybe everything is prepared and the missing Targaryen Valeryian Blade weapons are in the Winterfell Crypts deep as they have been very deep, maybe jon visits his mom later on after maybe finding out whom he really is and finds something that leads him to a hidden crypt area that have Rhaegars' Harp, a heap of Weapons and Dawn possibly early season 8? I'm not sure that Dragonstone will have hidden areas stannis didn't know which Sam can find out all kinds of hidden places to store relics in the Castles of Kings and strongholds. But, what if the nightking is looking for a cure, as the doom of valeryia turns men to scale and the nightking looks mad all the time so the children are dead(of the forest) but sometime there has to be motivation as if the Nightking kills and wins all what's the point and he can't win because the book a dream of spring is announced proceeding winds of winter so I think endgame white walker action will occur in the most twisted way on the show but in the books it will be justified as Stannis is still alive and there's no telling whatelse as Euron and all are rollin heavy.

  7. There is a way Rhaegar could still be alive (not as Mance, lol). Rhaegar's armour was covered in rubies. Rubies are known to glamour people to change their appearance (Melisandre, anyone?). The "Rhaegar" that Robert killed on the Trident may not even have been Rhaegar. Rhaegar could have glamoured another warrior to take his place at the Trident. There must have been a LOT of rubies on the breastplate of the armour, because the small folk are still digging around the Ruby Ford in the hope of finding a ruby and becoming rich. Interestingly, Targaryen practise is to cremate dead family members, but Rhaegar's body was not found after the battle of the Ruby Ford, so there was no cremation. So, if the real Rhaegar is presumed dead, he's free to go on doing what he wants to do in Westeros, perhaps glamouring himself as someone else (no……definitely not Mance, but Jacquen is a possibility, because both of them had interesting hair lol).

  8. Agree. GRRM has subverted most of the tropes of this genre, bringing it as close to "reality" as possible. In this context placing any importance on a prophecy is ridiculous.

    On the other hand, in most stories, from Oedipus to Harry Potter (for Voldemort, at least), putting too much faith in prophecies leads to tragedy. Belief seems to makes them self-fulfilling.

  9. SmokeScreen, You're one of my favorite GOT reviewers… but for real… how stoned were you when you thought this one up?

    You hit the nail on the head (IMO) on this theory. This is probably the best Azor Ahai theory to date.Keep up the good work, brother.

  10. I think the prophecy will be fulfilled by Jon stabbing Daenerys through the heart. The blade, likely long claw, will eternally burn after as a reminder. The reason will likely be some type of deal brokered by Bran between Jon and the Night King. Either the Night King will retreat back to the North for another 4000 years, or that weapon is the only thing that can kill the Night King and he wants to die. Something along those lines, but definitely Jon stabbing her through the heart.


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