The Game of Thrones Season 8 Script read through and filming dates have been confirmed!

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  1. My prediction for season 7 that I want to come true is that Stannis and his superior trained Calvary saves Westeros from the Others at the last second and then take what is rightful his by law of conquest.

    Also I hope the Direwolves get a lot of screen time next season, kinda like back in seasons 2 – 4

  2. HBO gave out too many spoilers itself when it came to the photos they released just before Season 7.I hope they don't make that mistake again. Not that I am hoping for any more main character deaths, but I know they will happen. I hope they start out with a bang this season,Not necessarily with a death, but certainly with some major plot-turn that really catches us off-guard.

  3. New details about Game of Thrones Season 8 keep coming so expect more videos on the channel and once the filming starts even more!

    Will the season 8 scripts leak? WIll you read them? Will it spoil the ending for you or do you not care and just want to know what happens?

    Thanks for watching and I will see everyone in the comments!


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