Before we begin, let me repeat that there’s no certification these are genuine. In any case, you can decide for yourself:

Episode 803

Tyrion, Arya, Sansa, Brienne, Podrick and the Hound are all in a wagon, hustling through a camp being invade by wights. The Hound is driving. Toward the finish of the page, they’re boarded by a Dothraki wight. Or on the other hand the wagon may crash first. It’s indistinct.

Episode 805, Pages 1 and 2

Jaime and Cersei are contending in the Red Keep position of royalty room. The Mountain is there. Cersei is raking Jaime over the coals for deserting her “in a critical moment” and “consort[ing] with the foe.” By its sound, Cersei has Jon Snow in jail, and Jaime is attempting to persuade her that battling the White Walkers is more vital than doing combating Jon and Daenerys.

It sounds like the city is getting blockaded by somebody, likely the White Walkers. To stop them, Cersei is going to do the unimaginable. It’s not said through and through, but rather the suggestion is that she will explode the city with out of control fire instead of let it fall. Jaime isn’t satisfied.

In the mean time, Brienne and the Hound ride through the roads of the city on their way to the Red Keep. Wherever there is confusion, with smallfolk running frantic.

Episode 806

It sounds like the White Walker risk has been settled, somehow, and that Daenerys (or some other “ruler”) is in control. Tyrion and Bronn are riding along in the wide open, with Bronn mourning that he’ll probably never get that manor he was guaranteed now that Jaime has “gotten himself executed.” Tyrion clarifies him of this thought, and gives him the Twins. I figure the Freys won’t require it. Tyrion additionally specifies that, at some point in the previous five scenes, Bronn “without any assistance took out the Golden Company commanders.”
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