Ray Fisher is a huge HBO fan, which is a good thing since he’s also one of the stars of the network’s latest series, True Detective Season 3. (Oh, and he’s Cyborg in Justice League.) But perhaps most important of all, Fisher really loves Game of Thrones. He’s even got a theory about how Season 8 will end, but first, let’s listen to the actor geek out about everyone’s favorite fantasy show.

“I just love the mythology,” Fisher tells Inverse, “and I love being able to track the characters. You know it’s very much like True Detective. They did a very good job of painting all these characters in such different lights that it’s interesting to watch.”

true detective season 3
Ray Fisher in ‘True Detective’

The topic of Game of Thrones, which is gearing up for an eight and final season this spring, comes up naturally with just a bit of prodding. When asked what other HBO show he’d want to be one (besides True Detective, of course), Fisher barely takes a second to respond.

Game of Thrones, oh my god, easy,” he says. “That’d be a no brainer.”

Fisher isn’t exactly sure how he might fit into the current series, but he’s already hatching a plan to get into the Game of Thrones universe.

“I know they’ve got the Game of Thrones spinoff happening,” he says. “I think it’s a prequel situation.”



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